
i second what beast from the east has just said, the dream theater show was extra special because of the orchresta:headbang:
i think i recall peter once hinting to the possibility of opeth doing something like a movie soundtrack or something, as in that possibly being something he thought opeth could one day do. i think this is something i would enjoy, as long as the music and the film went well together. i'm not a big movie freak or anything, but i can think of several opeth songs which have parts which would probably fit well into some kind of movie. i know pink floyd did some movie soundtracks in their very early days, before dark side of the moon. i never saw those movies but i do like a lot of the songs they wrote for those soundtracks. ok i'm sorry i know this doesn't help.

I'm surprised Mikael hasn't been approached to compose for film yet... If I were to make a movie, he'd be one of the first I'd call for the soundtrack.
I remember hearing Steve Vai play for the first time with an orchestra, and that turned out great. Same with Dream Theater on one of their DVD's. But Opeth? I don't know...... It would be limited to a few songs and it just wouldn't sound right.

But I agree with what other people are saying, adding some string instruments on to their next compositions, that would be cool.
+1, abso-fucking-lutely! I'd watch the damn thing just for the soundtrack.

yeah, +2. mike obviously has a taste for symphonic music, classical music, in fact i think i remember reading something in an interview where he even admits to liking classical music, and of course it's obvious in his music. plus the addition of per's very talented brain. i'll bet opeth could make music for a really awesome movie one day and everybody would be like, wow that was some pretty cool music, who wrote it? opeth? who is that? haha, wouldn't that be some shit.

[edit] and i don't mean just using an old opeth song as a backing for some stupid movie sequence, that would be beyond gay.
Using an orchestra is the token "band X is super popular, and they need to show the masses they have culture and can be intelligent too" action.
One thing to note is that Opeth never use the E-Bow live. It's used a lot through their CD's from Still Life onwards, and I think that gap could be filled live with an orchestra - if done right.

The layers Opeth add to their recordings as far as the E-Bow stuff and harmonies and acoustic bits over the top of heavy stuff adds a lot to the atmosphere, and I'd be really interested to see what that would sound like recreated with an orchestra live. As mentioned, I think Per and Mike would have to be very involved in it.

Imagine Bleak with violins instead of the E-Bow. Interesting.
If they were to do this, I'd rather the songs and material be specifically written for symphony.