Origin review

Excellent album. I'll expand on this comment in a sec... I've been thrashing it since yesterday.


Sidenote: I'm a big fan of Vintersorg, his vocals are beautiful, but in recent years, I have felt his work has been getting experimental in ways which aren't really productive, most noticably in his vocal delivery and usage of keyboards (simplistic structures and terrible chosen effects).
His vocal work is best when he delivers sustained lines, not breaking them with falsetto (and I'm sorry, but his falsetto isn't one which sounds good because of his kind of mid-range natural voice). I wish he would concentrate more on his lower and middle registers, because his are fantastic and he has more power at this range too.

... don't worry though - he most certainly delivers on Origin!

Also of note is Asgeir's outstanding contribution to drums on this album: he's been known for some time as one of Metal's better drummers, but this time we see him playing with more feeling, a slower and more creative pace. The results are fantastic.

Borknagar's music definitely has a unique style (I wish I knew the "technical" musical expressions to use). Brun has a writing style which is reminiscent of early Ulver in some respects and he does what he does well. He certainly has a unique stamp that is recognisable.

The usage of Western Art string instruments on Origin is very well done: over the years, I've noticed that when a band tends to use them, a string section constantly seems to be there for more aesthetic reasons, as opposed to actually providing proactive participation or another voice to the music.

Origin does not fall prey to this. The cellos and violins actually drive the melodies on this album, which I feel for metal is actually quite a remarkable achievement. There are so many moments where I could hear that songs could be played entirely on a string ensemble and I think this factor is very deserving of a nod to Brun in respect.

Take for example "Human Nature", track 7 on the album: the chorus utilises an old technique (by Western Art Music standards but new for metal given the instruments used) of using short quick bowing strokes in conjunction with acoustic guitars to imitate heavy riffing common in metal. I think this is a very imaginative idea for an acoustic metal album and definitely applaudable - it creates a dramatic moment in the song, and most importantly provides us with what I truly feel is the first ever heavy entirely acoustic metal song.

For once on an acoustic metal album, the traditional "rock" instruments take a back seat, and the older instruments have an opportunity to drive the momentum of compositions on the album, and also provide a second or third voice for Borknagar to work with.

The album is actually quite complex, but I don't think the "average" metal listener is going to pick this up unless they have adequate experience with Baroque or classical music. Origin is an album of intelligence.

The acoustic version of Oceans Rise is a beautiful rendition of a Borknagar classic. They have not only produced an acoustic "version", but it seems the song has been completely re-written to take advantage of different usage of instruments while keeping the feel of the original composition. Very well done.

I've been thrashing this album. The more I listen to it, the more I hear - it is intricately layered. I think the approach to this album taken by the band is a very intelligent one, you can really hear that a LOT effort and thought has gone into this work.

I will definitely add this album to my collection when it is released. Fantastic work and a fresh breath of air.
I wouldn't call it acoustic metal... that's an oxymoron. I wouldn't be banging my head to acoustic guitars accompanied by violins and cellos. I don't even like Apocalyptica. :lol:
BloodSword said:
...just too short of a record...

Yeah I read that review and thought, "only 35 minutes?!?" But as long as it's pure quality and has great replay value I'll have gotten my money's worth.
I'm also surprised they chose Ocean's Rise. I love that song, though and am anxious to hear an acoustic take on it. The review talks of skillful classical acoustic picking, I am definitely looking forward to that!

And now I gotta wait for the North American release!
I think the album is fantastic. Amazing music, beautiful tones of all the instruments, beautiful lush production, amazing vocals, LAZARE ahem ahem, it doesn't feel too short!
Oinkness said:
I wouldn't call it acoustic metal... that's an oxymoron. I wouldn't be banging my head to acoustic guitars accompanied by violins and cellos. I don't even like Apocalyptica. :lol:

Wait until you hear the album and you'll realise what I'm talking about. If you take a concentrated listen to the album, you'll find it is not an oxymoron, even more so if you have an ear for classical / early music.

I think Borknagar's approach to an acoustic album is a very unique and intuitive one. Origin is an intelligent acoustic take on folk and metal.

karpsmom said:
I think the album is fantastic. Amazing music, beautiful tones of all the instruments, beautiful lush production, amazing vocals, LAZARE ahem ahem, it doesn't feel too short!

Agreed mate, 110% percent. The album is perfect in length. Infact, I can not fault this record really. I think to add anything to it could destroy it, the 2 year wait for this is VERY VERY worth it.

It will be interesting to see public reactions come it's release: I personally feel that many people will not "get" why this acoustic album could be considered a major step in the coexistence of classical and metal styles. The execution is very new.
Kinetic- said:
How come all you guys heard it already? It's not out for over a month!

Because the music business is full of unfaithful people, in this particular case the "journalists" in the music industry are to blame.... poor ethics and probably even poorer moral.

Perhaps all the recording artists should boycott the cd-format, and release everything on vinyl... Yes, I know it will still be possible for people to make mp3's, but the process of making them will be not as quick and easy as it is with cds, and thats how the problem will be solved, everything about computers and the internet is about making things as easy and painless for the users as possible....
Promoer burde ikke sendes ut..

Jeg kommer hvertfall til å holde meg borte fra all nedlasting og anmeldelse av albumet, helt til jeg har fått cden i posten. Da skal jeg sette meg i bilen og kjøre rundt på måfå mens jeg hører på Origin. Jeg gleder meg allerede!
I'm just :loco: ... masterpiece
you guys are really inventive musicians...you know you are actually MUSICIANS! ... lately I have been listening a lot of crap in the biz.. you know producers who sample real composers... like this ******* bastards in techno/house/ebm/pop/rap sampling the people that actually put effort in the work and know how to create real music even with a 386DX computer , cubase version 1000A.D, pre-historic samplers, old synthetizers, you know all that thing involved with music production.

sorry for my horrible english! i'm just a poor 13 boy and english classes here in my country are not very tight :erk: and I swear I will buy the album, you deserve it!
yeah karpsmon but I'm talking about the evil guys that sample music from some artist w/o even asking it before. for example get the band rhapsody.... they've been sampled by these type of bastards a lot of times.
Albums like this... I mean, if you dont buy this album, youre an idiot. Period. I need my music physically, artwork, lyrics, photos, I need the lot.
The Hubster, I will definitly buy this album. CD is much better quality stuff than mp3, not to mention it just worth buying, as you said ... you have it physically.
lemme confess you guys... I feel like I'm floating above the earth evolution when I listen this album through...it's very pro, precise and still pure bork! thank you borknagar! :D
From Erik's comment one can guess that someone who had the CD in advance ripped it and give it away to the net... this is lame. I love downloading stuff and so on (there've been zillions of debates on this) but , in my opinion, it (posting it online before it's released) is too much . I love the exciment previous to a release, reading the reviews, listening to those advance-songs or medleys... 'till the awaited dare comes. Of course, I'm happy of being able to hear Origin as soon as possible, but ... I hope you get my point. Needless to say I'll buy the album as soon as it's released.

Anyway, the album is excellent. Pure Borknagar, keeping structures and harmonies all in a new and fresh wrap one can enjoy layer by layer.

By the way, the first posted review mentions a vocalist called "Vintersong", hehe

So these are my 2 bittersweet cents. Keep on rocking.