Black Winter Day said:
if ozzy re-recorded the bass and drums for his first two albums with different musicians? oh, wait...
Frank Zappa did that with a couple of his old albums...not good. and the effects added to ZZ Top's SIX PACK also completely fucked up the drum sounds.
ref reissues, you guys all come up with some good points. bonus tracks are only bonus if they were good enough to make the CD in the first place (usually). What is the motive of the band and/or company in reissuing? Is it to replace an album that is out of print, or is it simply an effort to bait faithful fans into buying virtually the same product all over again?
and as long as I'm bitching, what the fuck is up with a company who pays so little attention to their product that it is illegible? Case in point, the new Dragonforce - Sonic Firestorm, on Noise records. The liner notes are printed in alternate colors for each verse, and one color is completely so light you can't read it!!! I've also got a few CDs (not on Noise but other metal independents) where the text is so completely blurry, and no, its not a result of me slamming down some brews. I realize something may look great and then come back from the printer completely different....but jesus take some care and pride, you morons!
(I know how this can work because my boss put together a graphic design for magnets for our employees around the world, with customer service numbers...she was so arrogant, she had nobody proofread the stuff, and one of the customer service phone numbers, when dialed, reached a lawn and garden center in Maryland

not good when you are trying to order some ball joints for an M-1 Abrams tank