Ornamental Insanity, how is the mix and tone

Oct 8, 2008
So yeah Ken contacted about making something to showcase his free amp sim DIG ( my new fav amp sim btw ), and I made this. I know there is another thread but it's pretty much finished now, and I didn't want a thread full of dead links and whatnot. We are maybe putting some oriental sounding female vocals over it though.

So yeah, how is the mix and tone?


Also the title kind of sucks and I want to change it, any suggestions?
I like the intro leads a lot. They provided a cool vibe that I dug.

The tones are really good, but maybe a little fizzy/digital sounding for my taste, but they still fit in the mix quite well. The guitars could even be a little louder if you want them to be. :)
Haha I love the guitar wanking in the end :D

The mix is quite "messy", I think it's a problem with the highs in the mix. It's quite trebly and "smeared out"... bah, don't know how to describe it. Anyway, it makes it a little hard to judge the guitar tone, since you were going to use this to showcase DIG 2.0. Maybe adjust the highs on the cymbals to leave a little more room for the guitars, even if an actual mix of this genre would not be that way, you'd wanna bring the guitars a bit more in focus than they are now. Also, maybe a tad more mids on the guitars since there are no vocals present, you have the room to spare.

Other than that, quite a meshuggah thing going on there with that guitar "siren" type of thing, like in Future Breed Machine :) Cool riffage.