Orphaned Land and Coolness!


May 17, 2006
Hi everyone its Warren, hope you are all well and enjoyed the Land's El Norra tribute gig! Shame I wasnt there love to have gone! :cry:

Anyway, Iv been looking at alot of OL pics both on teh site, orphaned disciples, progpower uk and it struck me why do they all look so fucking cool :headbang: ! I mean Kobi wearing a ponco at progpower, and some of his trad. israili gear in other pics, band tshirts etc how the fuck can he get away with it and pull it off and look so cool :worship: ! coz most people includeing yours truely couldnt and wouldnt be able to get away with that, pull it off and look cool! GODDAMMIT!

Any help to enlighted or just general disscussion would be wicked!
Sorry folklore Iv had so much on that Iv got abit lost on all my dates! Still cant go so that sucks which is why i want them to come back to the UK!
Yup, like Morticia says the guys have a fuckloads of charisma, especially Kobi. Actually, the band I've seen with the most is OL. A few bands come close, but not in the same way at all.
You should've seen the show in purim where Uri came out inonly in underwear and a showercap and his awesome bass guitar...Eden had wings the rest I don't remember...anyway it was awesome

purim to those of you who don't know is a jewish holiday on which people dress up just like in holloween...only no nazi uniform or kkk sheets...a suicide bomber and a prostitute were fairly common a few years ago

fake rubber boobs on a 12 year old boy is not a pretty sight i tell ya
PinkThrone said:

Oh yeah, Eden, since he's gone, who's taking keyboards live now?

the tel aviv show on april 15th there was a substitute who was quite good but he had a shitty yamaha that sounded like crap...kobi never told me who was that guy...or maybe he did and i don't remember...have to search the right thread to see
about eden's substitute for the next show kobi said it would be Mr. Computer
so i guess it will be a little less crowded on stage
paradoxile said:
You should've seen the show in purim where Uri came out inonly in underwear and a showercap and his awesome bass guitar...Eden had wings the rest I don't remember...anyway it was awesome

I wonder if anyone got pictures of this *smile*
paradoxile said:
the tel aviv show on april 15th there was a substitute who was quite good but he had a shitty yamaha that sounded like crap...kobi never told me who was that guy...or maybe he did and i don't remember...have to search the right thread to see
about eden's substitute for the next show kobi said it would be Mr. Computer
so i guess it will be a little less crowded on stage
So it's just whatever they can get ahold on? Hehe.
from what I heard the new album will be less keyboard oriented and I'm pretty sure Steven Wilson will gladly put some of his own keyboards in the album if needed.
UUUh- I actually saw a picture like that of Eden, but he forgot to mention where it was from. He looked like a real pretty girl! :worship: Was he only with wings in the show or did he also have a dress on? I remember he had the picture hanging in his office at work.
Now that Uri one I never saw. So if anyone got any pictures from this gig, please contact the fanclub :) hehehe, we can make it a nice 'special':lol:
*crosses fingers and hopes for a co-headlining European tour in 2007*

...well, considering the number of people actually attending the most recent gigs of Porcupine Tree and Orphaned Land respectively that I went to myself, it's probably more realistic to have OL support PT, but anyway, how cool a package this would be, eh?