Orphaned Land ripped off by merch guy. They could use some help.


oh noes!!
Jan 23, 2002
Columbia, SC, USA
I've posted this on a few other places, but seeing as this might get a lot of attention here, I'm hoping this will help them out.

For those unaware, Orphaned Land's merch guy stole all of their money at the Florida show. I'm not sure how much money it was, but I would say it was quite a bit. They said this at the show last night, and I talked to Kobi after the show and reached into my wallet and handed him all of the cash I had on me (Around $80-95 USD, not sure exactly). I know a lot of people here might not care for OL, but nobody deserves this to happen to them. Thankfully they only have this last show in VA, so they can hopefully stretch their funds out until home. But from personal experience, any money can go a long way.

So IF you're going to the Jaxx show tonight, or if you know someone who is. Please inform them of the situation and consider donating even a few bucks to them. I'm doing what I can to spread the word, but that will only go so far.

Also, all three bands put on a great performance last night. Bravo.
They have to have some info on the guy who stole the merch. If he was working for them, shouldn't they have his Identification and shit? and his name to give to the police?

That is what i thought of...
In Israel they usually let the metalshop sell their cd's, now as Uri the bass player works(or worked- don't know if he still works there, haven't been there physically for 2 years, bought cd's through mailorder from them) there, there's no chance of something like this ever happening. moreover most bands let their close friends sell cd's or tickets for that matter...i know because i used to do that myself. Either way these things don't happen here.
Besides the israeli extreme metal community is approx 10,000 people so most of the time you see the same people every time and everyone knows each other.
Flying your own merch guy throughout the US gets expenssive and even if it's still profitable the merch guy can't be 6 months on the road...he has to make money and has a life(probably has his own band too) so they probably hire someone local to sell their stuff.
Anyways, it's a shame this happened...I guess next time they'll take percautions to prevent this from happening
That is so awesome of you to donate your money. Very kind.

I hope they catch the guy who stole the money...what nerve. As for having a touring merchandise seller, they didn't even have a seller at the Portland show. The band was out there selling the merchandise themselves, before and after they performed.
I talked to Kobi after the show and reached into my wallet and handed him all of the cash I had on me (Around $80-95 USD, not sure exactly). I know a lot of people here might not care for OL, but nobody deserves this to happen to them.

aer you retarded? LOL, sorry, but just cause they got robbed you gave him almost a 100 bucks!?:zombie: they sucked anyway, what was up with the Jesus gimmick, sounded like a shittier version of System of A Down (if that's possible).
Heliotropic, just because you lack compassion, doesn't mean you have to bash him. Go back under your rock - the big boy world isn't ready for you yet.

Oh, wait. Do I need to re-type that in 2nd grade English so you understand?
It was revenue from the entire tour. I'm not sure exactly who it was, but it was someone who was helping manage things on the road for them.

Wow, that sucks bad. I really hope they get their money back. And they should get that guy and the guy that stole the guitars from Katatonia and stone them or something more appropriate for their crimes. OL was amazing live. I really hope this does not deter them from coming back to North America.
It wasn't money from the entire tour. They guys took the merch money and stranded them in Louisville, KY with three more shows to go. Lucy for them Katatonia just got a new merch guy who was able to and agreed to drive the bus for them so they didn't have to cancel the remaining gigs. Pretty fucked up thing to do, he seemed like a really nice guy too..

Here he is:
Heliotropic, just because you lack compassion, doesn't mean you have to bash him. Go back under your rock - the big boy world isn't ready for you yet.

Oh, wait. Do I need to re-type that in 2nd grade English so you understand?
:yell: some of you guys are over sensitive. Since when did men get all wound up over stuff like this? Change out your tampon if it bothers you.

The big boy world? In my big boy world I have bills to pay, Rent, phone bills, electric, insurance, so I don't give 100 dollar hand outs to people that got robbed. Why don't you walk around and hand 20 bucks to every homeless fuck you see then? :devil:
:yell: some of you guys are over sensitive. Since when did men get all wound up over stuff like this? Change out your tampon if it bothers you.

The big boy world? In my big boy world I have bills to pay, Rent, phone bills, electric, insurance, so I don't give 100 dollar hand outs to people that got robbed. Why don't you walk around and hand 20 bucks to every homeless fuck you see then? :devil:

Why are you assuming I'm a man?

Anyway, even if if you can't afford to give, bashing someone who CAN afford it is fucking immature and pathetic.

A touring band that works hard and loves and appreciates their fans to death is more than deserving of some extra help. I do try to help homeless people when I can, as well. Forgive me for helping others. How terrible of me.
:yell: some of you guys are over sensitive. Since when did men get all wound up over stuff like this? Change out your tampon if it bothers you.

The big boy world? In my big boy world I have bills to pay, Rent, phone bills, electric, insurance, so I don't give 100 dollar hand outs to people that got robbed. Why don't you walk around and hand 20 bucks to every homeless fuck you see then? :devil:

Your from where? Ohhhh...Texas. I imagine your great southern twang with everything you write and laugh to myself, not about the south, but about the U.S. in general. You probably think Obama is a Muslim and are a homophobic closet gay.

Either way you slice it...thats a douchedick attitude you got there. Congratulations!

I did not like their music too much, although I found it interesting I didnt give it a fair shake and listened to maybe 4-5 live songs...but those guys were having a blast on stage...and theyre cool as shit to meet too, just nice guys.

I will give you this. Empathy. Either you have it or you dont. You cant teach it. Got to be a lonely world out there for those without compassion.

Oh yea I forgot that its not manly to have feelings, or to care about people, or to help people when theyre down, or to feed someone who is hungry, thats for the gays and the women folk.

10-4 good buddy!