Orphaned Land Triangle.

Elyia said:
hm...if you study graphic design, what about you think of an artwork for OrwarriOr?

Would be worth a contest - create your own OL cover! :D
This would be cool, I can see if I can come up with something after November 14th
Paradoxile said:
we don't have to translate the english ones...we just have to decipher the handwriting.
This could be harder than trnaslating:lol:
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Elyia said:
Indeed 7 is the number of god. And it's now a davids star in the middle, it is a "pentagramm" but with 7 corners (7-gramm so to say). try to paint it, it's really difficult.

the 7-gramm is called a heptagramm and it's a gnostic mystical star

Gnosticism developped around the coasts of eastern Mediterranean, mainly in the years 100-300 A.D. It was a syncretistic and sectarian movement, basically trying to reconcile the Christian and the Oriental religions, albeit with a strong puritanistic bias.
Certain Gnostics regarded the Old Testament's God as an evil being who had created an evil world (and evil Jahve really was for the poor Philistines). According to Gnosticism everything physical or earthly is evil, especially the eating of meat and sexual pleasures, but sometimes even normal bathing and washing habits. What a happy bunch they must have been.

the 9-gram or enneagram is the symbol of divine protection
It is also used in Christian symbolism to indicate the nine gifts of the spirit: love, happiness, peace, patience, leniency, benevolence, loyalty, humbleness, and temperance.

I think OL meant to use the enneagram but it didn't fit with the album's general idea...I don't think the 7-gram behind the 7 in the orphaned triangle has a gnostic meaning to it.
then again maybe it represents the ballance between god and evil in god...a tango between god and satan if you will:rock:
great answer!

i was searching for the word hepoptagramm, but i forgot about it, thanx for correctring. And also good explanation.

I wonder if in the new artwork, there will be something leading onwards from mabool. maybe the enneagram or another triangle or something like this:)

Wow, now i'm really looking forward to ORwarriOR!

YALLAH OL, Work faster!!! :D
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actually, the seventh son of the seventh son according the christianity is Jesus.....

king David was 7th generations to Adam, and Jesus was 7th generation to David....

the new testament had said the messiah has to be from david's seed.....at first Josef was believed to be the 6th generation to David.....and it took years to determine that Maria is the one who is from david's seed, after the fact that Josef could not be, because he's not Jesus' real father.
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the 7-gramm is called a heptagramm and it's a gnostic mystical star

Gnosticism developped around the coasts of eastern Mediterranean, mainly in the years 100-300 A.D. It was a syncretistic and sectarian movement, basically trying to reconcile the Christian and the Oriental religions, albeit with a strong puritanistic bias.
Certain Gnostics regarded the Old Testament's God as an evil being who had created an evil world (and evil Jahve really was for the poor Philistines). According to Gnosticism everything physical or earthly is evil, especially the eating of meat and sexual pleasures, but sometimes even normal bathing and washing habits. What a happy bunch they must have been.

the 9-gram or enneagram is the symbol of divine protection
It is also used in Christian symbolism to indicate the nine gifts of the spirit: love, happiness, peace, patience, leniency, benevolence, loyalty, humbleness, and temperance.

I think OL meant to use the enneagram but it didn't fit with the album's general idea...I don't think the 7-gram behind the 7 in the orphaned triangle has a gnostic meaning to it.
then again maybe it represents the ballance between god and evil in god...a tango between god and satan if you will:rock:

it's also known as septagram and it's not only related to gnosticism. i think it has meanings in kabbalah.
here's another page about it: http://www.byzant.com/Mystical/Symbols/Septagram.aspx
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Also here: the 7 is the number of heavens and the number of worlds (I hope i understood correctly)
No,You didn't

from wikipedia:
"# The number of ayat in surat al-Fatiha"
so whats the point? if al-Fatiha has 7 verses that doesn't make it so special.
"# The number of heavens in Islamic tradition"
"# The number of Earths in Islamic tradition"

In Islam the God Created the world in 6 days
"# The number of ayat in surat al-Fatiha"
so whats the point? if al-Fatiha has 7 verses that doesn't make it so special.
I agree, this is stupid
"# The number of heavens in Islamic tradition"
In most verses from Quran it says something like that, together with the seven Earths. Like "whatever is in 7 floors under the Earth and 7 floors over the sky" or "He is the One who created the 7 Earths and the 7 Skies (Heavens)"
In Islam the God Created the world in 6 days
Where is this written? I haven't heard or read about this one before.
I agree, this is stupid

In most verses from Quran it says something like that, together with the seven Earths. Like "whatever is in 7 floors under the Earth and 7 floors over the sky" or "He is the One who created the 7 Earths and the 7 Skies (Heavens)"

but heaven here doesn't mean paradise.where good people go after the judgment day.

Where is this written? I haven't heard or read about this one before.

Verse number 54 from Sora Number 7 (Al Araaf)
"Your Guardian-Lord is Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth in six days, and is firmly established on the throne (of authority): He draweth the night as a veil o'er the day, each seeking the other in rapid succession: He created the sun, the moon, and the stars, (all) governed by laws under His command. Is it not His to create and to govern? Blessed be Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds!"

Verse number 4 from Sora Number 57 (Al Hadeed)
"He it is Who created the heavens and the earth in Six Days, and is moreover firmly established on the Throne (of Authority). He knows what enters within the earth and what comes forth out of it, what comes down from heaven and what mounts up to it. And He is with you wheresoever ye may be. And Allah sees well all that ye do."
Blacken: thanks, guess i must read the Quran again now and try to complete it (i couldn't finish it the last time)

RashomoN: No, not in Islam. God did not rest on the 7th day since He does not rest, or sleep or whatever. He is away from having such humanoid properties, according to Islam.
I agree, this is stupid

It's not that nonsense nor stupid, Surat Al-Fatiha my friend is the introduction to the Quran, as well as it's the first Sura in the Holy Quran, it holds the message that the whole Quran is all about.

So if not the most, it's obviously one of the most important Suras in the Holy Quran.

As for 7 in Islam, it's the number of The Heavens and Hells. Imam Ali in Shaism teachings said the Holy Quran has seven keys or levels.

Kinda non-topic but in Yezidism there is something about 7 angels who created the world or something, also there's the seven colours of Taus' feathers.

So basicly, if not God's number, it's gotta a be a holy or mystical number.
Blacken: thanks, guess i must read the Quran again now and try to complete it (i couldn't finish it the last time)

You dont have to read the whole Quran to get these info.
I just knew the fact that god created the earth in six days then did a search in the translated quran
It's not that nonsense nor stupid, Surat Al-Fatiha my friend is the introduction to the Quran, as well as it's the first Sura in the Holy Quran, it holds the message that the whole Quran is all about.

So if not the most, it's obviously one of the most important Suras in the Holy Quran.
Al-Fatiha is indeed important, I don't mean that. I mean it's not very meaningful to say 7 is important because Al-Fatiha consists of 7 verses. Using numerology in religion is something I try to stay away from, because there are many frauds who almost claim that they are prophets, by twisting the numbers and say they have found out something, though the only thing they do is getting further from the true meanings of the text. (not all of them, though. i found the story of 19 pretty interesting)
As for 7 in Islam, it's the number of The Heavens and Hells. Imam Ali in Shaism teachings said the Holy Quran has seven keys or levels.

Kinda non-topic but in Yezidism there is something about 7 angels who created the world or something, also there's the seven colours of Taus' feathers.

So basicly, if not God's number, it's gotta a be a holy or mystical number.
In wikipedia it writes something like this:
"The numbers 7, 70, 70,000, etc. are used in Islamic traditions to denote an infinite or high number. In Arabic, 70, 70,000, etc. is used to mean infinite. This is because 1 is the smallest number, 2 is just after 1, 5 and 10 are exact, 4 and 6 are just before and after 5, and 9 is just before 10. This leaves 3, 7, and 8. 8 is closer to the end although it is larger. 8 is also an even number, so divisible by 2. Between 3 and 7, 3 is smaller so 7 is chosen to represent infinite."

So.. It seems logical that 7, 70, 70000 are used to define infinity since it is always used when somebody wants to talk about something big in numbers. Maybe over time, this idiomatic usage vanished from Arabic and we now think that it is mysterious?
c'mon that cant be true. whats that 'short' message?in that short sora.
In a Turkish book which explains Quran deeply, Al-Fatiha, which consists of 7 verses, is explained in about 100 pages... I also have a book which is named "Al-Fatiha and its 40 meanings". What I'm trying to say is that it is widely believed to possess much deeper meanings than you can think the first time you read it. The more you read it, more meanings you understand.
And apart from that, as Messiakh said it is an introduction to Quran. It shortly describes Allah and says He owns everything, tells that there is an afterlife, and we should pray to Him, and try to follow His way only, the True Path. And that there are people who win and there are people who lose. When you think all of these things together, that is a summary of Quran. The rest of Quran describes Allah and the afterlife more deeply, tells how we should pray, what is the True Path, who wins and who loses etc.
Al-Fatiha is indeed important

All soras are important indeed cos they make up the quran:Smug:

In wikipedia it writes something like this:
"The numbers 7, 70, 70,000, etc. are used in Islamic traditions to denote an infinite or high number. In Arabic, 70, 70,000, etc. is used to mean infinite. This is because 1 is the smallest number, 2 is just after 1, 5 and 10 are exact, 4 and 6 are just before and after 5, and 9 is just before 10. This leaves 3, 7, and 8. 8 is closer to the end although it is larger. 8 is also an even number, so divisible by 2. Between 3 and 7, 3 is smaller so 7 is chosen to represent infinite."

Crap, mekes me go like this :lol:
Crap, mekes me go like this :lol:
Yeah the explanation on Wikipedia is a bit weird but it can be true that it is used to define infinity. Not about 7 but I am almost sure that 70 and 70000 usually mean "very big in number" in Arabic (well I don't speak or understand Arabic but still, from their usage in Quran, in Hadith or translations of quotes from some Islamic figures I can conclude that)