Orphaned Shop

Well, I sent my money on 16th of July. Then, after a few weeks I asked about the status of my order and got quickly a mail from Dreamcell on the 8th of August saying my stuff will be sent as soon as possible (hope that ment my money had already arrived). Until today, nothing has arrived yet. I hope my letter was helpfull in some way.

I still think that there should be a confirmation mail after the stuff is sent (well, maybe there is and my order just isn't on the way yet?). :)
Is your name is Sven? if so your order is on process, what you orderd was out of stock.

It's true that some things should get upgraded in the shop section, the web masters are working to solve this :)
Shalom from Moscow.
Remember me?:) Btw I was about to order some shirt, but unfort. we had this fucking bank crisis as u maybe know so my cc is still blocked.. Myabe u know someone whos going to Izrael from Moscow so I can send u some cash? (I dont trust the post-service... they're pigs:)
Yeah, I'm Sven
Thanks for the info Kobi and Holy Webland. I knew that OL cares about the fans, great to see that proven again! :)
Not much left for me to say...brother Kobi and Captain Burak filled in your every step... :)
Thank you brothers, thank you all!!! :)

Hey ColdDarkNord, a lot of people, including me, have ordered with post office mail from around the world and all went fine. If you send the money registered and use the good old "hidden money in carbon" trick, i think you wont have a problem with your order. ;) :)
ColdDarkNord said:
Shalom from Moscow.
Remember me?:) Btw I was about to order some shirt, but unfort. we had this fucking bank crisis as u maybe know so my cc is still blocked.. Myabe u know someone whos going to Izrael from Moscow so I can send u some cash? (I dont trust the post-service... they're pigs:)

Just wanted to say
Русская почта сволочи!
таможня берет дабро!
those bastards...

sorry about the spelling mistakes...I left The Soviet Union 14 years ago.
Welcome Iced Dog :wave:
Iced Dog And Poolvard I Have Also Ordered From The Orphaned Shop And I Receive My Order Without Problem :) You Have Not To Worry About Anything , I Hope That You Wont Wait Too Much For Your Orders And You 'll Get Them Soon :Spin:
As for you ColdDarkNord,I agree with Dreamcell about the cover-secretion with the carbon method ;) Try it...We did the same :Spin:
Thank god for the search feature so I don't have to start another post. I was wondering if anyone on here has made an order from the shop and lives in Australia? Just trying to find out how long it will take cause I've been waiting almost 6 weeks now. As I saw Kobi write above, sometimes they have to wait for things to be back in stock. Any idea when it might be shipped (if it hasn't already)? My name is Andrew C.
Cryptor said:
Thank god for the search feature so I don't have to start another post. I was wondering if anyone on here has made an order from the shop and lives in Australia? Just trying to find out how long it will take cause I've been waiting almost 6 weeks now. As I saw Kobi write above, sometimes they have to wait for things to be back in stock. Any idea when it might be shipped (if it hasn't already)? My name is Andrew C.

If you think about the distance between Israel and Austrailia, and Israel and Houston, Texas, United States where I am, they are about the same pretty much. Israel seems to be directly in the center in relation to these two countries from each other. My order came in about 1.5-2 weeks so I'd guess the same for you, provided the merchandise is in stock at the time which it seems like yours was not. =\ It will be worth the waiting! :hotjump:
Morticia NL. said:
Cryptor, I asked Kobi to contact u about it ok?
6 weeks is a long wait, but I assure you it'll be worth it :)

Thanks, he did, and cleared up my questions. Can't wait till I get the stuff. I'll know it'll be worth the wait :D