ORPHEUS - Album TRAILER (Sneap Beta test)


Orpheus: Melodic Death
Mar 9, 2008
Hey guys! You are the FIRST people to see this before it's released tomorrow!
It's nothing special, but it's us chatting about the album with some songs in the background.

Letting you know WHERE you can buy it AND pre-order it, whether you're from Australia or anywhere in the world!

So let us know what you think, it doesn't go LIVE til tomorrow though! So you guys are my beta test... cause I love you all ;)

Chris and Orpheus

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haha! we didn't even know the cat was there until editing time lol! Fucking love my cat :p
hope you guys check out the album! It's on a special Pre-order price now for $19.95 and www.metalmassacre.com.au just so you know!

thanks for the support, this forum has been REALLY helpful in all of this! I hope I can contribute more to this forum when I have time to go back to my engineering work!
Very unprofessional the whole way through, how so dude? Maybe the production aint great, but I don't feel our actions or speaking was at all unprofessional.
Explain more please! :)
I think I'm with Jeff on this one. The standard trailer format, cutting between various artworks with teasers of the music playing underneath, with text superimposed to tell people all necessary info would look more professional, IMO.
sure fair enough! i just went on a survey i did over the last week or so. most metal guys, 'listeners' i guess mentioned they thought it would be cooler with us talking it's more personal and not as 'standard' and boring...

so yeah pretty stumped on that one! thanks for the advice though!
Ermz, what did you mean by various artworks??? we only have the one dude :p
Very unprofessional the whole way through, how so dude? Maybe the production aint great, but I don't feel our actions or speaking was at all unprofessional.
Explain more please! :)

Not you guys being unprofessional, sorry - just the overall filming of it... you guys sitting there in a backyard, guy getting up at the end to turn off the camera, only edit being in the center throws things off in an "obvious punch-in" way.

I realize the budget/time situation is completely different, but I think the Sylosis updates are a great example of a metal band being real and personable but still distinctly professional and put together.

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