2 ORPHEUS songs online - (Ermz/ Plec)

I dig it. The mix kind of grew on me. I didn't like it at first, but it sounds pretty killer now that it's grown on me. That guitar tone is very meh, though.

Musically, a genre that I'm almost vomit inducingly sick of, but you guys pulled it off and it didn't make me want to stab every member of At the Gates in their sleep. So major props!
^ Great, was hoping it would have that effect on some people. Similar story here. I wasn't quite sold on it at first, but the more I listen, the more I realize we made the right decisions under the circumstances, and ended up with something uniquely suited to the music. It has many of the same characteristics that some of my favourite analogue records possess, which inspire me to keep wanting to spin them again and again. I hope above all that the folks here realize that it was all a conscious choice. We could have easily done a clean cut, separated, run-of-the-mill modern metal mix, but we chose to go a different way.

Launch is tomorrow night. I'm sure the guys are pumped!
The mix definitely has a very 90's feel to it. Almost like STP's Core but without the megasaurus snareus.

Didn't figure that style of mix would fit metal very well... apparently it does.
Cheers MetalFanatic! Glad you got around to it man ;)

ALSO!For all you internationals :P

the album WILL be on iTunes and Amazon for only... ONLY
$10 US

I bet you're fucking happy now ;)
I caught the last 4 songs of your set and thought it was pretty cool

I give ya 7/10, but I'm a harsh critic so that's a good 7

Great stage presence and audience response, the whole joint seemed to be enjoying themsleves.

I was there for Dreadnaught but made sure I checked out Orpheus and I'm glad I did
Hey dude! That's cool. If you weren't there for us, but you had a good time and liked our show, that's fine by me dude! Hopefully you'll be there at another show ok ;)
Either way! epic night, 250+ came sold just over 60 cds too. Very very happy

AND DON'T FORGET - The album will be on iTunes and Amazon in the next few days for only 10US... hope that helps ;)
Thanks Dan, means a lot!

BTW... we will have the iTunes and Amazon issues fixed within the day and you sexy bastards can grab a copy ;)
Hey dude! yeah no stress... JB has been lazy with group orders man... we put the CD's in for Distro nearly 2 weeks ago... their rotation has been shoddy as hell... so they will have it, soon though! unfortunately I can't say how soon.

It's probably still easier to get it at metalmassacre.com.au at the moment and they'll deliver it to you!
Otherwise, iTunes is currently updating our digital distro and it should be up there soon also if you want a digital copy of course :)
Haha! Damn people raping our music... but sure whatever!

And in special news... SOCIETIES OF STEEL will be up as a new teaser ;) last one we will probably put up online to be honest!
Keep your eyes peeled and ears ready for aural intrusion haha!