2 ORPHEUS songs online - (Ermz/ Plec)

Ermz, feel free to not answer if you don't wish, but what are you using for the bass grit here? only curious, I quite dig it! I've got a couple go-to's but with bass it's SO god damn dependent on infinite factors... much like everything else I suppose =D
Oh those god damn sons of.... well it was bound to happen :P

@Sigmund: Ermz will correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the grind is a few different sources including Ermz new MXR bass DI and Sansamp P1 too :)
Hope that helps dude
You're dead on that it's all source dependent, CJ.

For this project I used a lot of the Dunlop MXR pedal, with a touch of Sansamp behind it. There was a fair amount of the fuzz distortion from the MXR used, and shaped in a way to approximate the way the bass grit sits on Come Clarity. I wanted it in a similar range, as it seemed like the way to go for the music.
Has a Mors Principium feel to it, singer sounds exactly like him...But with a modern in your face mix. Good shit