Osama bin laden dead

'Obama has no experience! Obama cant defend us! Obama is soft on terror, Obama doesn't have the competency or balls to go after terrorists!' FUCK. YOU. ALL. Obama just did something within two years of taking office that Bush couldn't do in almost a decade.

Obama did'nt do shit, there are some very hard working troops (and dead and injured) over the years to thank for this, not some suit and tie squatter in the white house. Glorifying this event through political party lines reprehensible behaviour. Bush was forced by hand to initiate the start to all of this, and if you think this was some easy walk in the park perhaps you need to talk to some people who have been over there about what they went through.
Obama did'nt do shit, there are some very hard working troops (and dead and injured) over the years to thank for this, not some suit and tie squatter in the white house. Glorifying this event through political party lines reprehensible behaviour. Bush was forced by hand to initiate the start to all of this, and if you think this was some easy walk in the park perhaps you need to talk to some people who have been over there about what they went through.

Obama did'nt do shit, there are some very hard working troops (and dead and injured) over the years to thank for this, not some suit and tie squatter in the white house. Glorifying this event through political party lines reprehensible behaviour. Bush was forced by hand to initiate the start to all of this, and if you think this was some easy walk in the park perhaps you need to talk to some people who have been over there about what they went through.

LOL you have got to be kidding you redneck hick. Bush was forced into....invading Iraq? What? Iraq? Think of it this way. Bush got Sadam ( a man who has never killed an American citizen) and Obama got the big fish. Quit crying. Your boy dropped the ball for over a decade. Didn't even care, actually. 'I don't spend much time thinking about Osama Bin Laden' - George Dubya Bush. And are you talking to me about politicizing the event?? This was politicized years ago, before it even fucking happened, when your party boys tried to paint Obama as a terrorist sympathizer who couldn't and wouldn't protect the nation or hunt down the fucking guys who did this. Didn't even give him a fucking chance. So, sorry to say I told you so, but (and you know Obama is saying it in private, hopefully)....told ya so. All the talk is put to rest. Obama put the fucking pieces in place after 10 years of a fuck all getting done. And what about the troops? Yea good for the SEALS who shot him but your logic is like saying the team that wins the race gets all the credit and his coach gets none. Obama did in two years what Bush couldn't do in 10. Simple fact and thank God for president Obama...a man with an actual brain and balls. Bush must be pissed!
They were 10 when this happened, clearly too young for it to have any impact on their lives

Are you kidding me? Maybe you've forgotten how drastically the atmosphere of the country changed after 9/11; it would have been perceptible to anyone not living under a fucking rock. I was 14, sitting in my 9th grade Biology class, and I knew this was a game changer. Weeks of constant news coverage to the exclusion of almost all else, parents and teenagers following every development, the viral spread of "YER EITHER WITH US OR AGYINST US!" patriotism, rampant, obscene levels of racism that was considered perfectly acceptable, and to cap it all off that godawful fucking Toby Keith song that was played constantly... if 9/11 DIDN'T have an impact on your life, you were raised by fucking wolves.
wow I just woke up here in London and must say I am quite ....unsurprised. It was only a matter of time, really. Two things pop out to me from this. One, after watching the news, I am pretty embarrassed to be an American after seeing the behavior of some people back home. It's probably a good thing that this has finally ended, but the celebratory, party-like atmosphere in the USA is pretty telling, I think. And what's with the college kids acting like they care? They were 10 when this happened, clearly too young for it to have any impact on their lives and can't honestly say they truly care about this. In fact, I'd be willing to bet that 10/10 of them can't even say what 'Al Qaeda' means when translated, can't find Pakistan on a map within 5 seconds, or have any idea how Bin Laden made his fortune. The second thing, which I fucking love is that this happened under Obama's watch. Remember the campaign and the debates and all the shit throwing by McCain, Fox news and literally everyone on the right? 'Obama has no experience! Obama cant defend us! Obama is soft on terror, Obama doesn't have the competency or balls to go after terrorists!' FUCK. YOU. ALL. Obama just did something within two years of taking office that Bush couldn't do in almost a decade.

Every. single. goddamn. motherfucking. bit. of. this.
Obama did'nt do shit, there are some very hard working troops (and dead and injured) over the years to thank for this, not some suit and tie squatter in the white house. Glorifying this event through political party lines reprehensible behaviour. Bush was forced by hand to initiate the start to all of this, and if you think this was some easy walk in the park perhaps you need to talk to some people who have been over there about what they went through.

Even though I know you're a ridiculous birther, and even after your ilk having been proven wrong with a big cup of STFU last week, this just takes the cake of the most retarded bullshit ever to come out of even the right. The Bush Administration FUCKING STOPPED CARING ABOUT BIN LADEN when Iraq proved too much for them to handle when they basically bailed on Afghanistan in order to just keep their heads above water in Iraq. It was OBAMA who ordered the complete restructuring and surge of troops in Afghanistan, something HE PROMISED TO DO IN HIS CAMPAIGN SPEECHES. It was OBAMA'S goal to get our focus back on Afghanistan and dedicate more focus on hunting down Bin Laden, which is exactly what he did.

Just because you're a racist hillbilly unable to come to terms with the fact that your president is black doesn't mean you can just pull shit out of your ass like the rest of your party has been doing and claim "Obama didn't do shit". The entire reason we've been having success in Afghanistan as of late is directly due to his refocusing on finishing the war in Afghanistan, as he has already called a halt to the combat mission in Iraq and forced Iraqis' hands into starting to pick up their own slack.

Here's a hint: When *I* was in Iraq a year after combat operations started, I spoke to several of the Army guys we were stationed with over there, and thanks to the Bush Administration, they didn't even have fucking Humvee armor. They were buying fucking body armor WITH THEIR OWN FUCKING MONEY and fucking duct taping that shit to the insides of their doors and on the floorboard. When *MY UNIT* convoyed from Baghdad to Balad to set up a new base, they had to fill goddamn SANDBAGS and put them on the floor of their Humvees and 5 tons just as a little added protection. THAT was what your wonderful Bush Administration did for the troops in Iraq...SHITTO. However, Obama SHOULD BE GIVEN CREDIT for his focus and vision for Afghanistan AND the taking down of Bin Laden. If he were a Republican, I would feel the same way. Credit must be given where credit is due, and just because you're a racist Teabagger doesn't change that fact. No one's saying he pulled the trigger, but just as Bush is squarely to blame for the debacle that is Iraq, Obama can be given credit for his vision for Afghanistan and his enabling troops to do their job better. Bush didn't commit fratricide or kill innocent civilians either, BUT HE WAS IN COMMAND. Just as OBAMA IS IN COMMAND. Do you know how responsibility works when you're in command?

Don't let facts stand in the way of your decision making, however. It's not like you and the rest of your retarded ilk ever have before.

All that said, I don't understand what the celebrating is about. Nothing has changed. Deployments will not stop and the wars are not over. It's great and all but don't expect any change in policy or significant change in the region. Al Qaeda is simply going to maneuver around this; they're stunned right now but nowhere near out of the game.

But still...LOL

I was going to say I was surprised by the crass celebrations, but I really wasn't.

Doesn't make much of a difference, I don't think. What's going on is not just a War on Terror(ism), but it's a clash of civilisations and all the incredibly complex problems that entails. There is no victory here, it's simply endless war. Frame it as you like, but there is no solution or reason here, it's just another phase of our desire to destroy our fellow man for whatever it is he has that we don't or whatever it is we have they we don't want him to have.
This makes me nervous actually...I have no idea what is going on because I choose to ignore anything about the war and or politics. So I dont really have an opinion other than I think that it might be a good thing. But Whenever there is a change, I get nervous. I just hope the war ends soon.
Even though I know you're a ridiculous birther, and even after your ilk having been proven wrong with a big cup of STFU last week, this just takes the cake of the most retarded bullshit ever to come out of even the right. The Bush Administration FUCKING STOPPED CARING ABOUT BIN LADEN when Iraq proved too much for them to handle when they basically bailed on Afghanistan in order to just keep their heads above water in Iraq. It was OBAMA who ordered the complete restructuring and surge of troops in Afghanistan, something HE PROMISED TO DO IN HIS CAMPAIGN SPEECHES. It was OBAMA'S goal to get our focus back on Afghanistan and dedicate more focus on hunting down Bin Laden, which is exactly what he did.

Just because you're a racist hillbilly unable to come to terms with the fact that your president is black doesn't mean you can just pull shit out of your ass like the rest of your party has been doing and claim "Obama didn't do shit". The entire reason we've been having success in Afghanistan as of late is directly due to his refocusing on finishing the war in Afghanistan, as he has already called a halt to the combat mission in Iraq and forced Iraqis' hands into starting to pick up their own slack.

Here's a hint: When *I* was in Iraq a year after combat operations started, I spoke to several of the Army guys we were stationed with over there, and thanks to the Bush Administration, they didn't even have fucking Humvee armor. They were buying fucking body armor WITH THEIR OWN FUCKING MONEY and fucking duct taping that shit to the insides of their doors and on the floorboard. When *MY UNIT* convoyed from Baghdad to Balad to set up a new base, they had to fill goddamn SANDBAGS and put them on the floor of their Humvees and 5 tons just as a little added protection. THAT was what your wonderful Bush Administration did for the troops in Iraq...SHITTO. However, Obama SHOULD BE GIVEN CREDIT for his focus and vision for Afghanistan AND the taking down of Bin Laden. If he were a Republican, I would feel the same way. Credit must be given where credit is due, and just because you're a racist Teabagger doesn't change that fact. No one's saying he pulled the trigger, but just as Bush is squarely to blame for the debacle that is Iraq, Obama can be given credit for his vision for Afghanistan and his enabling troops to do their job better. Bush didn't commit fratricide or kill innocent civilians either, BUT HE WAS IN COMMAND. Just as OBAMA IS IN COMMAND. Do you know how responsibility works when you're in command?

Don't let facts stand in the way of your decision making, however. It's not like you and the rest of your retarded ilk ever have before.

That "birth certificate" is hardly proof of where he was born and raises more questions that it answers. Like, why the fuck did it take so long and why is Terry Lakin still sitting in prison for questioning this issue when Obama could have settled the issue then? I'd hate to be called a birther here, but any critical thinking skills would cause anyone to question his past. For example, why did his legal team spend 2 million dollars to block the release of these documents? I wouldn't say he is foreign born necessarily (he may be), but he is hiding something. All presidents in the past have released their health, school and birth records without a big fight. Obama refuses to release his education and health records, probably out of embarrassment of his past as a drug user and smoker and that he was admitted to Colombia and Harvard as a result of hand-outs and affirmative action. Who becomes editor of Harvard Law Review and never writes anything? Obama does, because he's too stupid to have an original thought.

Regarding the Osama issue, like I said before, pics or it didn't happen. Seems to awfully convenient that we kill Osama as Obama slips in the approval polls. Don't forget, he is in campaign mode (not that he was ever out of campaign mode. that's all he knows how to do), so polls are everything. I won't believe Osama is dead til we see photos and other sources for confirmation. :hotjump:
This makes me nervous actually...I have no idea what is going on because I choose to ignore anything about the war and or politics. So I dont really have an opinion other than I think that it might be a good thing. But Whenever there is a change, I get nervous. I just hope the war ends soon.

Same here, sir. One one hand, I try to stay well informed politically and learn what I can, on the other hand I try to be an ignorant-fuck and learn nothing because of the huge bouts of anxiety that come with it.

Not many things in life scare me, but the thought of a nuke is enough to make me piss myself.
That "birth certificate" is hardly proof of where he was born and raises more questions that it answers. Like, why the fuck did it take so long and why is Terry Lakin still sitting in prison for questioning this issue when Obama could have settled the issue then? I'd hate to be called a birther here, but any critical thinking skills would cause anyone to question his past. For example, why did his legal team spend 2 million dollars to block the release of these documents? I wouldn't say he is foreign born necessarily (he may be), but he is hiding something. All presidents in the past have released their health, school and birth records without a big fight. Obama refuses to release his education and health records, probably out of embarrassment of his past as a drug user and smoker and that he was admitted to Colombia and Harvard as a result of hand-outs and affirmative action. Who becomes editor of Harvard Law Review and never writes anything? Obama does, because he's too stupid to have an original thought.

Regarding the Osama issue, like I said before, pics or it didn't happen. Seems to awfully convenient that we kill Osama as Obama slips in the approval polls. Don't forget, he is in campaign mode (not that he was ever out of campaign mode. that's all he knows how to do), so polls are everything. I won't believe Osama is dead til we see photos and other sources for confirmation. :hotjump:

I agree with everything you just said.
Regarding the Osama issue, like I said before, pics or it didn't happen. Seems to awfully convenient that we kill Osama as Obama slips in the approval polls. Don't forget, he is in campaign mode (not that he was ever out of campaign mode. that's all he knows how to do), so polls are everything. I won't believe Osama is dead til we see photos and other sources for confirmation. :hotjump:

I'm just going to copy and paste a post I made in RC:

Think about this. Even ignoring how difficult it would be for him to survive the past 10 years as most of his inner circle gets killed off, it would be really really dumb for the US government to lie and say he was dead. It would be very easy for Osama to go "Uuuh, no I'm very much alive", and that would make the USA look like a bunch of lying retards (which would be great for Osama). It would be beyond nonsensical for them to do that. Our government may not be transparent, but they're also not stupid.

You can dispute whether or not he died recently, but to believe he's still alive is just silly.