Osmose Copy Protection Crack?

Opeth "intellectual" => Rahvin "unable to spell"

you're far out.

hyena (tmbmb)
i second hyena's idea that opeth, all considered, are quite boring and most of all uninteresting. i don't care much for their lyrics (apparently the same old cliché stories revolving around star-crossed love and other reader's digest topics), and i also think their music is a far cry from intellect, let alone intellectual.
i guess they make for good entertainers if you're into slow melodic-goth stuff and you happen to like the growls (which i don't), but to me they just sound dull, except maybe a few snippets out of one of many overlong songs on morningrise.

oh, well, i must add that i never heard a single opeth song, but you can see i've got intuition :lol:

hyena (smart)
@hyena: it's no surprise you haven't, since the average playing time would discourage braver ppl than you at first sight. then again, you can't expect to go around being assertive about metal bands - even though of course you get it right - without a leg to stand on. be informed, or be bubu. ;)

I have to agree with phyre in some things. What i don't like about Opeth lyrics is that they become predictable after a fashion. And there's not much progress in the way they make their music either (at least nothing that can be compared with DT progression ;)).
But they have a certain gloomy mood all around and Mikael's vocals kick bad ass :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
hyena & rahvin: well that's why you can't enjoy Dream Theater, you musically dumbasses :p :p

fathervic (yet_another_opethian)
@siren: ah, well, if there's a gloomy mood i expect they're absolutely worthy of praise. :rolleyes:

@fathervic: actually it's more hyena having a block against anything longer than 3 minutes (her whole attention span when it comes to music ;) ). me, i can tolerate any reasonable play time (say, nothing above 14 minutes anyway) and one of the genres i listen to very frequently (electronic body music) has tons of long (6 to 8) tracks. but most of the times long songs tend to lose consistency and are spoiled by at least one boring part i could have gladly done without. it's harder to keep up the interest with a 6-7 minutes song: ballads and folk-like songs have an easier job in doing so. standard (death) metal songs, on the contrary, do benefit of a shorter playing time imo.
however, dream theater are still boring as hell even if you cut out the last 3 minutes of each song. :p

rahvin. (the apple-pie of abuse)
Originally posted by phyre

...and then there are all the millions of annoying Opeth fanboys who think that Opeth play the most intellectual, technical and complex music ever because all their songs are ~12 minutes. (Do I have to say I avoid the Opeth forum like the plague?) Still I have and enjoy all their albums...

couldn't have said it better. i really like their music, but just because they write crude text which few claim to understand (i for one don't), i won't praise them as demi-gods. they'e just good musicians with an excellent feel for songwriting, imo.
@rahvin: No, i appreciate every band for what they give to me.
I appreciate the gloomy mood i get when listening to Opeth, i appreciate the mood DT gives me, i appreciate x band for the y mood they give me. I choose what i want to hear depending on the mood i am/want to get into. Hope it's clearer this time :)
Btw, i'm too lazy to do it on my own, can someone help me to crack my Enter Suicidal Angels copy? If so, plz pm me or meet me on irc :)

Siren (serial kil...err...poster)
You convinced me, i'll take it back on Monday/Tuesday ;)

Siren (losing a fair chance to win a bet this way ;) )
I did the marker thing and it worked perfectly. Just looked carefully on the rim and you should see a thin line. Scribble the outer rim and make sure it's completely black...once I darkened the whole thing put it in, and it didn't work, then recolored it and it worked it really has to be blacked out. After I ripped the mp3's, I rubbed off the marker with a lot of scrubbing and WD40.
Originally posted by Iggs
I did the marker thing and it worked perfectly. Just looked carefully on the rim and you should see a thin line. Scribble the outer rim and make sure it's completely black...once I darkened the whole thing put it in, and it didn't work, then recolored it and it worked it really has to be blacked out. After I ripped the mp3's, I rubbed off the marker with a lot of scrubbing and WD40.
Cool that it worked well. I've heard so many conflicting results for this. Some people say it works only on European edition CDs, or that it does not allow the CDs to be played on normal stereos (even if they can be played on digital equipment), or that it damages the CDs...

Well, it is good you scrubbed off the marker, then it can be played on the normal stereo and you have the MP3s. :)

As for the musical elisits: :lol:

I believe some bands ("intellectual" or not) attract a large following of obsessed people who think the band are gods... It's really quite funny to read the posts where they think the discussed band is the best in the world, so influential, write the best lyrics, etc. Some of the people on this other board I went to said that a lot. They even proclaimed everyone must follow the band members' personal beliefs to be "true" fans. Hilarious. :lol: