OT: Chaos in Louisanna

DarbysDad said:
Fuck the looters.

I will try and donate as I don't want to go thru what these folks have. Hopefully anyone who was able to evacuate did.

Another politically incorrect point\question - what country has offered to help the US?
and who do other countries run to when the shit hits the fan? and guess what I'm not saying the US is always right?

The UN is preaparing to send aid to NO. Engineers and shipments should start arriving late Friday/Saturday.
DarbysDad said:
Fuck the looters.

I will try and donate as I don't want to go thru what these folks have. Hopefully anyone who was able to evacuate did.

Another politically incorrect point\question - what country has offered to help the US?
and who do other countries run to when the shit hits the fan? and guess what I'm not saying the US is always right?

australia is already helping,10 million as a sign of goodwill,some people in australia would say america dont need it but i think they really needs everyones help to clean this shit fight up,i will def give some of my hard earned cash for this disaster.
I knew would catch shit and that's good

cheers to everyone for listening to my fat ass.

Just know I would pick you up in a pit if you fell.

Good Nite!
Yep a donation is the best I can do from this side of the globe.
As someone said you see this stuff happening in 3rd world countries but not in America.

Absolutely dreadful :-(
My wife sent some cash for both of us yesterday(I can't do that, not allowed to touch credit cards:)). That's the least we can do - sending money.

I agree, then the authorites and organizations can buy what is needed. I´m glad I give a few kronor to the Red Cross when I shop. Räddningsverket here in Sweden are on stand-by if their help is wanted.
Rise said:
Any news on kirk weinstein or fats domino yet?

I've seen one report that says that Fats Domino was rescued on Monday. There are conflicting reports as to whether Allan Toussaint (sp?) was among the refugees at the Superdome.

If you're an American, you can't watch coverage of this and NOT be affected somehow. Kind of like 9/11, when we were all glued to the TV watching the carnage unfold - though in this case, there was nothing these people could have done to prevent the storm from hitting. Breaks my heart.
Jono said:
I'm here in houston so i'm in a good spot to realy do some helping. I'm thinkin i'm gonna go volunteer for shit on labor day.
That is really great of you to do that. No amount of cash can be compared w/what you're gonna do.
P.S. Yeah,.. Is that guy, your neighbor, going too? :)
WARNING - This is long and there is lots of rambling in here so you may want to skip this.

I try not to watch the news too much because it is so damn depressing but since I had off from work, and I live a sad dull life, I was watching Fox on and off. Bush went to Mississippi and Louisiana and he irritated me even more being there. He just seemed, I don't know the word I'm looking for but whatever it was, it irritated me. Like really what good is it to have him there? If I was homeless, hungry, filthy, had no water, been sleeping on the ground, etc. and the President came and gave me a hug, it would irritate me because I know that after he leaves me here, he is going home to his nice house with air conditioning, 3 square meals a day, a shower, etc. I know that people should be grateful that they have their lives but in this country, a country where we give billions to war and help every country that needs it, a country that takes in everyone who cries political asylum, a country that is supposed to be so much greater than the rest, why are people still suffering the way they are in NO? How the hell does it take this long to get people out there?

I'm not really keen on news reporters, but you can tell from watching the different channels that these reporters are really down there with the people and that their hearts are breaking along with the citizens. One of the reporters went to sleep and woke up the next morning to find the people on either side of him had died during the night. In some cases the television stations are actually working as liasons between citizens and emergency personnel to get people help. And there are still doctors, nurses and patients stuck in hospitals. One of the nurses said that they all feel abandoned and who can blame them?

Giraldo Rivera was there less than 24 hours and he was so irrate at how the people are being treated, especially those at the Convention Center. He had some people on television and he asked this guy about feeding his child that he was holding and the guy said that it wasn't even his child, it was the child of a woman that passed out over on the grass. What happens if that woman dies? What is going to happen to that baby? Is that guy going to care for the baby? The military? Then Giraldo later on was talking to another woman and he picked up her baby, 15 months, and he started crying on air because of how the people are being treated. He said why not just let the people walk over the bridge to the other counties and get out of NO. Shephard Smith, another reporter from Fox, is on the bridge that separates NO from the other parts of Louisianna and he said that there is a checkpoint at the end of the bridge and people are being turned back and the people can't even leave.

At first I couldn't believe that people would try to ride out this hurricane but I'm so passed asking that question now. I can't believe that almost 6 days after this happened there are still people suffering in NO, people are literally dropping dead on the street. One of the reporters said that a woman went up to the police and said that another woman on the ground was shaking and dying over there (wherever over there is) and the police said that they were sorry but they didn't have supplies and there was nothing they could do but give her a bottle of water and send her on her way. Can you imagine that in this country?

They showed pictures from inside the Convention Center and it was horrible. Aside from the rapes and murders, there are dead bodies in freezers and dead bodies in the bathrooms. The stench is so bad that your eyes burn. On the street there was a woman's body that was being eaten by rats (those little bastards would survive, wouldn't they).

I feel like I'm watching a movie when I watch the news (and yes I know too much news is not a good thing). I still can't believe this is the United States and that things are taking so damn long to happen. Sam Shepphard, the reporter on the bridge, said that buses drive by but none go to the Convention Center. Why tell the people to go to the Convention Center and then leave them there stranded? I have written to the White House and told them shame on them for taking so long to get their acts together and to the government of Texas I wrote him a thank you email for helping the people so quickly.

I know that was incoherent and a bunch of rambling but I had to vent and my husband is very tired of listening to me go on and on for hours about this already.
eighteeschick said:
WARNING - This is long and there is lots of rambling in here so you may want to skip this.

I try not to watch the news too much because it is so damn depressing but since I had off from work, and I live a sad dull life, I was watching Fox on and off. Bush went to Mississippi and Louisiana and he irritated me even more being there. He just seemed, I don't know the word I'm looking for but whatever it was, it irritated me. Like really what good is it to have him there? If I was homeless, hungry, filthy, had no water, been sleeping on the ground, etc. and the President came and gave me a hug, it would irritate me because I know that after he leaves me here, he is going home to his nice house with air conditioning, 3 square meals a day, a shower, etc. I know that people should be grateful that they have their lives but in this country, a country where we give billions to war and help every country that needs it, a country that takes in everyone who cries political asylum, a country that is supposed to be so much greater than the rest, why are people still suffering the way they are in NO? How the hell does it take this long to get people out there?

I'm not really keen on news reporters, but you can tell from watching the different channels that these reporters are really down there with the people and that their hearts are breaking along with the citizens. One of the reporters went to sleep and woke up the next morning to find the people on either side of him had died during the night. In some cases the television stations are actually working as liasons between citizens and emergency personnel to get people help. And there are still doctors, nurses and patients stuck in hospitals. One of the nurses said that they all feel abandoned and who can blame them?

Giraldo Rivera was there less than 24 hours and he was so irrate at how the people are being treated, especially those at the Convention Center. He had some people on television and he asked this guy about feeding his child that he was holding and the guy said that it wasn't even his child, it was the child of a woman that passed out over on the grass. What happens if that woman dies? What is going to happen to that baby? Is that guy going to care for the baby? The military? Then Giraldo later on was talking to another woman and he picked up her baby, 15 months, and he started crying on air because of how the people are being treated. He said why not just let the people walk over the bridge to the other counties and get out of NO. Shephard Smith, another reporter from Fox, is on the bridge that separates NO from the other parts of Louisianna and he said that there is a checkpoint at the end of the bridge and people are being turned back and the people can't even leave.

At first I couldn't believe that people would try to ride out this hurricane but I'm so passed asking that question now. I can't believe that almost 6 days after this happened there are still people suffering in NO, people are literally dropping dead on the street. One of the reporters said that a woman went up to the police and said that another woman on the ground was shaking and dying over there (wherever over there is) and the police said that they were sorry but they didn't have supplies and there was nothing they could do but give her a bottle of water and send her on her way. Can you imagine that in this country?

They showed pictures from inside the Convention Center and it was horrible. Aside from the rapes and murders, there are dead bodies in freezers and dead bodies in the bathrooms. The stench is so bad that your eyes burn. On the street there was a woman's body that was being eaten by rats (those little bastards would survive, wouldn't they).

I feel like I'm watching a movie when I watch the news (and yes I know too much news is not a good thing). I still can't believe this is the United States and that things are taking so damn long to happen. Sam Shepphard, the reporter on the bridge, said that buses drive by but none go to the Convention Center. Why tell the people to go to the Convention Center and then leave them there stranded? I have written to the White House and told them shame on them for taking so long to get their acts together and to the government of Texas I wrote him a thank you email for helping the people so quickly.

I know that was incoherent and a bunch of rambling but I had to vent and my husband is very tired of listening to me go on and on for hours about this already.

i really understand what u are trying to say but this is a natural disaster,do u really think they should send in a few thousand helpers the next day so they can suffer as well,it isnt even safe to go there,this is going to take time!!!
I totally agree. This is one of thee worst disasters in American history. I think people are gonna have to face the fact that it's not gonna be resolved over night or even in a week. The best thing we can do is volunteer help and money. I work for a medical distribution company and we have been slammed since this happened. I've been at work 11 / 12 hrs a day. We had to stay and load a dedicated trailer of stuff thats going to texas tonight , then to help the victims. I don't care about the extra money it's nice to know I was doing something worth while. People are trying to help and, that's all you can do. I was down and out a few years back and, believe me a little donation of time and money goes a long way. Everybody needs to pitch in and pull these people through not just polititians and rescue workers. Be thankful for what you have because it can be wiped away in an instant.
Bush went to Mississippi and Louisiana and he irritated me even more being there. He just seemed, I don't know the word I'm looking for but whatever it was, it irritated me. Like really what good is it to have him there? If I was homeless, hungry, filthy, had no water, been sleeping on the ground, etc. and the President came and gave me a hug, it would irritate me because I know that after he leaves me here, he is going home to his nice house with air conditioning, 3 square meals a day, a shower, etc. I know that people should be grateful that they have their lives but in this country, a country where we give billions to war and help every country that needs it, a country that takes in everyone who cries political asylum, a country that is supposed to be so much greater than the rest, why are people still suffering the way they are in NO? How the hell does it take this long to get people out there?

Bush being there let the victims know he was informed and he gave them hope. And from what I saw, the people were extremely grateful that he was there. None of them looked irritated to me.

The people in NO were warned 3 days before to get the hell out of there. Like I said before, it's evolution.
The kid who chokes on the marbles doesn't grow up to have kids of his own. -George Carlin
Jono said:
I'm here in houston so i'm in a good spot to realy do some helping. I'm thinkin i'm gonna go volunteer for shit on labor day.
i was there today,all i can say is be prepared, i thought i would be ready but it was rough, seeing all of those people who lost everything. words cant explain. if you do go,go early there is a long wait to volunteer, but its worth it. i will be there tomorrow and moday.