OT: Chicago Powerfest Quick Review!!!!

eaeolian said:
Thanks, and it was a pleasure to hang with you guys when I finally got there. :lol: The owner of Metal Haven thought it was hilarious that I got two people to buy my CD while I was in there...

That's what I call an in-store appearance!

We're working on that. If Tammy had been anything resembling sober, I'd have talked to her about that, but...

I helped with that debauchery. A lot. Heh heh. She was double-fisting drinks all night. :kickass: What was the comment, Tammy? You're not allowed to have a hand free, or else... ??? And I forgot to get myself that OJ-mixed drink to try it out! Damnit! What were the ingredients again so I can try it?
eaeolian said:
We're working on that. If Tammy had been anything resembling sober, I'd have talked to her about that, but...

Hey I gave you two shwo opps... of course they were rather last minute. I totally appreciate your willingness to consider making the trip though!! Not once, but twice!! That was hellacool and very appreciated!!

You have my business card now, so give me a ring anytime! :) It was very cool to meet in person finally! Thanks for all the fun! :goggly:
Bryan316 said:
I helped with that debauchery. A lot. Heh heh. She was double-fisting drinks all night. :kickass: What was the comment, Tammy? You're not allowed to have a hand free, or else... ??? And I forgot to get myself that OJ-mixed drink to try it out! Damnit! What were the ingredients again so I can try it?

Oh noes!!! I hoped no one remembered that comment!! Ooooh was I embarassed! LOL!!

Peach Schnapps & orange juice.
Well, everyone that knows Steph and I knows how our whole trip began and I don't have the energy to go into that.... I will say that I wish there were hotels closer to venue as this was a pain...the area sucked so bad that the hotels are in.... and we have so much proof it is bad.

In short, I have to say, Ion Vein, Nocturnal Rites, and Agent Steel were my faves.... I loved Morgana too, but did have to leave a little early because my dumbass had some food not agreeing with Linda issues and got sick.....

I was blown away by Nocturnal though..I only own one album but I will now buy more....same with Agent Steel.... and I may pick up some Ion too....

want to quickly thank Bob and Paul for the rides, without you guys, not sure how much worse our general trip could have gotten.....
rottingflesh said:
want to quickly thank Bob and Paul for the rides, without you guys, not sure how much worse our general trip could have gotten.....

I want to quickly thank you and Stephanie for sharing just enough of your bad luck with me to keep things interesting. :lol:
woosta said:
I got your "grain of salt" right fucking here, bro. I've spent last weekend in DC, this weekend in Chicago, next weekend in Pittsburgh and then back to DC again for Gamma Ray in a couple. I'm burnt out on opening bands in this genre to be totally honest. I haven't "discovered" a band in about 5 years now over countless shows. It's draining. I've seen so many quality shows killed by 5,6, 7 opening acts that I quit counting. I find that it's actually hurting my enjoyment of the shows (and last year's Powerfest was the same situation as I showed up when the doors opened).

So take that grain of salt and shove it in your ass, my man.
I'm SO glad that not everyone shares your sentiment. The music scene would completely die here. :mad:

I seriously do understand part of your reasoning because many clubs do throw bands that don't belong onto shows that they should be playing. But to consciously avoid seeing any opening bands who, believe it or not, are the LIFEBLOOD of many of these shows, is not only rude, it is very damaging to the scene.

Whether you like Odin's Court or Divison or not, we work EXTREMELY hard to keep the scene thriving in our region (MD/VA/DC/PA). Both bands put on professional shows, that depending on your preferred style, you may like or you may not, but at least I know there are solid performances coming out of us. I would be mighty surprised if you didn't enjoy one of our shows.

One thing that may help is preparing for the show. Not quite like we do for PP, but check out websites, listen to a few songs, even DL and burn them to see if anything clicks. Check out a song or two live and see if they are any better live (low budgets can kiil a smaller band's CD). At least you can get away from bad openers at Jaxx ;)

I also know that I've ended up LOVING bands that I didn't even think I'd be interested in at ProgPower. I'm so glad I stayed for their set. There have been a few that chased me out of the room, but mostly because I didn't like the style, not the musicianship.
Rick Pierpont said:
I seriously do understand part of your reasoning because many clubs do throw bands that don't belong onto shows that they should be playing. But to consciously avoid seeing any opening bands who, believe it or not, are the LIFEBLOOD of many of these shows, is not only rude, it is very damaging to the scene.

I wish I could be as forgiving as you, but I can't. I think his statements were bullshit. Those "big bands" used to be "opening bands" at one time. Where would they be now, if everyone had that same shitty attitude about checking out new bands?

What the guy is essentially saying is this: "My tastes in music are far too pure and important to be polluted with new, untested material. I'll wait until other people say they're good before I give them a chance." It's a combination of arrogance and sheep mentality.
Rick Pierpont is precisely right. And b00b is exactly right. If opening bands should be snubbed, then Miles Beyond never woulda blown me away with their performance opening for Iced Earth. And I' be missing one of Michigan's best bands. Guess what, woosta? They're playing in fucking GERMANY! Yeah! You heard me! They're playing for fucking GAMMA RAY in Minnesota! You have no fuckin clue how proud I'd be if I were these guys! I'd feel embarrassed to not have discovered them!

To have you say that you'd snub all the opening bands is beyond disrespectful. It's one thing to say "I'll avoid seeing band X cuz I already know I don't like them" but to avoid ANY band just cuz you're a snobby stuck up little bitch? Not even take a chance to be pleasantly suprised? Fuck you. Fuck you and your elitism. I had no idea who Grace Point were, and quickly hunted them down to get just a demo disc from them after the show! They were a great suprise and quite entertaining! I felt rewarded going to this festival, only really knowing two bands and coming home with four more bands that I now like is a damn good feeling.

Don't worry, Mike and Rick... you don't want fans like him anyways.
Mosquito said:
Call the Waaaaaahhhmbulance. You going to PPVII? You probably shouldn't stick around on Friday at all then because you'll have to wait til after Mercenary is done so you don't have to sit through something heavy.

Yep, going just like I have since PP2.

Who said anything about "heavy"? Read the post. I said nothing about heavy. Call the reading specialist, friend. Is Biomechanical "heavy"? I just thought they sucked heavy, mellow, jazzy, whatever you prefer to call it.
booB said:
What the guy is essentially saying is this: "My tastes in music are far too pure and important to be polluted with new, untested material. I'll wait until other people say they're good before I give them a chance." It's a combination of arrogance and sheep mentality.

Amen brutha!! :kickass: