OT: David Carradine passes away at 72

Just make sure you read that right side up.... :D

There are/were reports of him having a rope around his member as well as his hands tied behind his back. Maybe we'll never find out, or maybe we will...
Hahaaha! It's called the Ganesha position. ;)

I had a black Ganesha t-shirt (long story). One day i wear it at the Day of All Nations in my university at USA. I was in company of an Indian friend and an English post-doc, and he asked me what band was that? :u-huh:

Took some time to explain to him that wasn't any band but a Hindu god :lol:
So this means grasshopper failed to hop at the right moment ? Was hopped out ?

I liked him in Kung Fu as a kid but his later movies and stuff he did as a "bad guy" werent for me. I just cant do the bad guy thing and was off kilter wishing him dead in the other movies... lol

I did martial arts for a year and a half, it was intended to be an extension of what I no longer had after highschool wrestling was over but my hips could not take the side kicks and stretches, front and arms were fine. My hi[ joints dont want to go there and I was in constant pain... all while I was climbing 20-30 poles a day as a lineman. Something had to give.

Was a bit put off by the part in the Bruce Lee movie where they implied Bruce came up with the idea for "Kung Fu" and was supposed to play the part and they gave it to Carradine... not his fault obviously, but it sure ruined my image of "Grasshopper".

He seemed always a bit ecentric, one early interview show "back in the day" I forget if it was Merv Griffon, Donahue, Johnny Carson or what but he came out barefooted and sat and picked his toenails during the interview........

Dont know what this is worth or if someone has already linked it but
The latests post remind me of a very dirty joke we had about Kung-Fu around here:

Master Po, why do you have your eyes blank?
Shut up Grasshopper and keep on sucking!

If people find it offensive, let me know and I will erase it.