1. How did you find the Anthrax forum and what are your earliest memories of posting here?
2003. I was drawing a hamster version of Anthrax and needed a Anthrax-font for a logo. I searched and found this forum. Didn't get any font but met some cool cats so I stuck around.
2. So you're Swedish, eh...do you remember a certain hockey tournament in the spring of 1995? How do you like them apples?
Funny you mention it. Me and my class were on the ferry to Finland when Sweden and Finland played. Everyone was drunk as hell and it was awsome, the boat was like one happy family (a happy family smelling like Jägermeister). So those apples were sweet! Kippis!
3. Can you tell us something about your personal life?
I'm a decent cook which surprise people and I run 3 to 4 times a week, that is also a surprise. Maybe I look fat and lazy (which I am). Most animals like me, that is weird but pleasant. I once visited the wolf compound at a zoo and I had 5 wolves hanging on me and the caretakes started looking nervous when they couldn't see me underneath the pack. I am used to dogs and these were still young wolves so they got very excited to have visitors. I became their alphamale that afternoon.
4. What are your favorite personal memories of Anthrax?
Sweden Rock 2003. Best concert I have ever experienced because the audience was huge and into the band and they played a kickass show!
Also, first listening to Persistence of Time and Sound of White Noise. A good time in my life.
5. If you could be a famous person, living or dead, for one day, who would you choose?
Lennart Nilsson, a famous photographer who is a pioneer in photographs of in vivo - he photographed featuses and growing babies inside the womb.
Geoff Senior. He draws with an amazing combination of hard edges and dynamics. He and Swedish artist Peter Bergting inspired me a lot (and still do).
Charlie Benante, as you know he's pretty talanted when it comes to playing the drums and the guitar. I would spend my dy as him writing an old-school thrash song and post it here for you to enjoy!
Tuva Novotny. She is an actress, a very talanted one. Of course she is also gorgeous with the horniest eyes I heve ever seen. I never understood that cliché until I saw her on TV. This is probably the closest I get to be inside her so Tuva is on the list.
Mike "Puffy" Bordin. People who know me say I'm a bit like Patton. I'm worried it's a polite way telling me I'm a cynical douche. Puffy seems like a very nice guy so I want to be him. Plus he has got amazing dreads.
A dead one... Kurt Cobain. I was never a huge fan of his music but I would like to be him on April 5th and not shoot myself and fuck up the time continuency. He'll probably eat a slug on April 6th instead.
6. What is your least favorite non-metal album that you own?
Not an album but a collection of songs and mp3's with easylistening and mood-music. If you don't like James Last, Frank Mills and Heino you should borrow Cobains shotgun and put yourself out of your misery.
Mike Patton and I have that in common and I was so happy when I found out in an interview that we shared a love for easylistening. Later I heard Faith No Mores "Das Schutzenfest" and I knew it was for real. I bet it was Puffys idea.
I also think Roxettes first three albums are great. Erasure did some amazing popsongs back in the day.
7. Which Swedish product are you more proud of: Abba or snus?
I didn't have much influence in the creation of any of these products so no pride from my side.
8. It's just been announced that this year's top nominees for the Rock 'N' Roll Hall of Fame are Alice Cooper, Bon Jovi and Beastie Boys. What do you think about that?
The Hoff was responsible for the reunification of Germany and he is not nominated?
9. What is so far the best new movie you have seen in 2010?
I've been out of the movie loop this year.
Jockthrax - Mosh.
Black Thirteen - Poker.
Brentney Spears - Kind.
scottishthrax - Interviewed.
MikeyBong - Stash.
mrthrax - Sneaky.
eighteeschick - Missed.
BratPrincess - Wage-slave.
thraxx - X.
sufferer - Cynic.
DarrellDethSDMF - Metalhead.
ironmaidenfan09 - $haron.
JohnnieCzech - Pantera.
Trashard - Cat.
danaholica - Drunktallica.
Deege - Candy.
Matt Bello - Ace.
DumbAss - Retrovertigo.
Antwax - I shall welease Bwian!
vomit - Lawnmowers.
whitey131 - Power.
6er - Hangaround.
spacebeer - Dutch.
Lager - Warehouse.
Circle pit - Machine Head.
Kelly Bundy - Lipstick.
Death - Chuck Schuldiner.
Celebrity sex tapes - Usually not as entertaining as one had hoped.
The 90's - 2 Unlimited.
Julio or The Hoff: Julio by a couple of inches.
Water or juice: Water, I should drink more of it.
Frank Drebin or Topper Harley: Drebin because he injures that bastard O.J. Simpson in the end.
Cocky or shy: Shy, I think being cocky is misuse of time and charisma.
Kevin Costner's Robin Hood or Russell Crowe's Robin Hood: Russel Crowe. Mostly because Costner himself scares me... him and Madonna.
Big money or good loving: As soon as you give me the cash we shall get this underway!
Shower or sauna: Sauna.
Epic music vs fun music: They often combine into one, at least for me. Fun music.
Thank you for taking the time to do this interview! Any final words for your fellow Anthrax fans?
I hope you enjoyed the interview, it took me an hour to answer it, how long did it take for you to read it?
2003. I was drawing a hamster version of Anthrax and needed a Anthrax-font for a logo. I searched and found this forum. Didn't get any font but met some cool cats so I stuck around.

2. So you're Swedish, eh...do you remember a certain hockey tournament in the spring of 1995? How do you like them apples?
Funny you mention it. Me and my class were on the ferry to Finland when Sweden and Finland played. Everyone was drunk as hell and it was awsome, the boat was like one happy family (a happy family smelling like Jägermeister). So those apples were sweet! Kippis!
3. Can you tell us something about your personal life?
I'm a decent cook which surprise people and I run 3 to 4 times a week, that is also a surprise. Maybe I look fat and lazy (which I am). Most animals like me, that is weird but pleasant. I once visited the wolf compound at a zoo and I had 5 wolves hanging on me and the caretakes started looking nervous when they couldn't see me underneath the pack. I am used to dogs and these were still young wolves so they got very excited to have visitors. I became their alphamale that afternoon.
4. What are your favorite personal memories of Anthrax?
Sweden Rock 2003. Best concert I have ever experienced because the audience was huge and into the band and they played a kickass show!
Also, first listening to Persistence of Time and Sound of White Noise. A good time in my life.
5. If you could be a famous person, living or dead, for one day, who would you choose?
Lennart Nilsson, a famous photographer who is a pioneer in photographs of in vivo - he photographed featuses and growing babies inside the womb.
Geoff Senior. He draws with an amazing combination of hard edges and dynamics. He and Swedish artist Peter Bergting inspired me a lot (and still do).
Charlie Benante, as you know he's pretty talanted when it comes to playing the drums and the guitar. I would spend my dy as him writing an old-school thrash song and post it here for you to enjoy!
Tuva Novotny. She is an actress, a very talanted one. Of course she is also gorgeous with the horniest eyes I heve ever seen. I never understood that cliché until I saw her on TV. This is probably the closest I get to be inside her so Tuva is on the list.
Mike "Puffy" Bordin. People who know me say I'm a bit like Patton. I'm worried it's a polite way telling me I'm a cynical douche. Puffy seems like a very nice guy so I want to be him. Plus he has got amazing dreads.
A dead one... Kurt Cobain. I was never a huge fan of his music but I would like to be him on April 5th and not shoot myself and fuck up the time continuency. He'll probably eat a slug on April 6th instead.
6. What is your least favorite non-metal album that you own?
Not an album but a collection of songs and mp3's with easylistening and mood-music. If you don't like James Last, Frank Mills and Heino you should borrow Cobains shotgun and put yourself out of your misery.
Mike Patton and I have that in common and I was so happy when I found out in an interview that we shared a love for easylistening. Later I heard Faith No Mores "Das Schutzenfest" and I knew it was for real. I bet it was Puffys idea.
I also think Roxettes first three albums are great. Erasure did some amazing popsongs back in the day.
7. Which Swedish product are you more proud of: Abba or snus?
I didn't have much influence in the creation of any of these products so no pride from my side.
8. It's just been announced that this year's top nominees for the Rock 'N' Roll Hall of Fame are Alice Cooper, Bon Jovi and Beastie Boys. What do you think about that?
The Hoff was responsible for the reunification of Germany and he is not nominated?
9. What is so far the best new movie you have seen in 2010?
I've been out of the movie loop this year.
Jockthrax - Mosh.
Black Thirteen - Poker.
Brentney Spears - Kind.
scottishthrax - Interviewed.
MikeyBong - Stash.
mrthrax - Sneaky.
eighteeschick - Missed.
BratPrincess - Wage-slave.
thraxx - X.
sufferer - Cynic.
DarrellDethSDMF - Metalhead.
ironmaidenfan09 - $haron.
JohnnieCzech - Pantera.
Trashard - Cat.
danaholica - Drunktallica.
Deege - Candy.
Matt Bello - Ace.
DumbAss - Retrovertigo.
Antwax - I shall welease Bwian!
vomit - Lawnmowers.
whitey131 - Power.
6er - Hangaround.
spacebeer - Dutch.
Lager - Warehouse.
Circle pit - Machine Head.
Kelly Bundy - Lipstick.
Death - Chuck Schuldiner.
Celebrity sex tapes - Usually not as entertaining as one had hoped.
The 90's - 2 Unlimited.
Julio or The Hoff: Julio by a couple of inches.
Water or juice: Water, I should drink more of it.
Frank Drebin or Topper Harley: Drebin because he injures that bastard O.J. Simpson in the end.
Cocky or shy: Shy, I think being cocky is misuse of time and charisma.
Kevin Costner's Robin Hood or Russell Crowe's Robin Hood: Russel Crowe. Mostly because Costner himself scares me... him and Madonna.
Big money or good loving: As soon as you give me the cash we shall get this underway!
Shower or sauna: Sauna.
Epic music vs fun music: They often combine into one, at least for me. Fun music.
Thank you for taking the time to do this interview! Any final words for your fellow Anthrax fans?
I hope you enjoyed the interview, it took me an hour to answer it, how long did it take for you to read it?