OT: Finally Saw Star Wars III


Jul 12, 2005
Jersey Baby
When I heard they were doing the first three movies, I was not interested (like LOTR). I'm so glad I broke and finally saw them though.

I liked the special effects but the storyline was what got me more. I always hated the Emperor, especially when he tried to electrocute Luke. To see him use those powers again brought back all the reasons I hated him in the other movie. What an evil, creepy, ugly, very evil, guy.

I have a new understanding of Darth Vadar. Basically he was pretty weak guy who was manipulated by the bastard Emperor. When Atkan (or however you spell his name) became Darth Vadar and took his first breath, I was like WOW, this is how it all begins. What a climatic moment.

Overall I thought it was a damn good movie I should have seen in the theater to truly appreciate the special effects more.
Yer, I am big star wars fan (as per the avatar) - I thought E III was pretty good. Their was a lot to cram into 2 and bit hours and it shows at times (e.g Anakin doesn't need much presuading to turn to the Emperor and all things evil).

When Vader finally get's the suit and the mask is fitted on, that was a cool part to watch I thought.

After watching E III, I certainly take a different attitude to Vader in the rest of the films - looking at him as someone who has lost his way as opposed to this person who was evil since birth.

Mind you, this is a totally fictional story so these people who probe deep into the whole star wars theory tend to be a bit extreme .... I'm glad you liked the movie :)
Ep. III was the best from 1-3. The deleted scenes that are on the dvd are pretty short and don't have much impact on the movie. I wish it had been alot longer. They covered most of the story lines that needed tied together too quickly. If you didn't know what to look for you could miss what was really going on.
Episode 3, easily the best of the prequels but Hetfield told me they dont hold any water. Haha.

I wonder if the Star Wars messageboard has their own Joey/John thing going?
Bleearg said:
Ep. III was the best from 1-3. The deleted scenes that are on the dvd are pretty short and don't have much impact on the movie. I wish it had been alot longer. They covered most of the story lines that needed tied together too quickly. If you didn't know what to look for you could miss what was really going on.

I wish it had been longer too and some deleted scenes that didnt make the orignal theatrical release got added to the dvd version of the movie but was the same version of the movie that was shows in cinemas and like you said the deleted scenes werent much, the only one i would have liked to have seen was Yoda arriving on Dagobah but i can see why Lucas left it out.
ThraxSA said:
When Vader finally get's the suit and the mask is fitted on, that was a cool part to watch I thought.

I remember sitting in the cinema and when this scene came on I sat there with a big smile on my face. Why? The bloke is evil and kills millions on people
Since I saw Episode II, which sucked probably more than everything had sucked before, I try to avoid Revenge Of Shit. Old SW rule any day.
johnnieCzech said:
Since I saw Episode II, which sucked probably more than everything had sucked before, I try to avoid Revenge Of Shit. Old SW rule any day.

It sucked more than Eps.I? :err: I don't believe you as Eps.I is the worst Star Wars film ever but I do agree old Star Wars is the best.
yeah i just cant get into the first three at all, probably purely cos i am old these days and less forgiving.....to me it will always just be ewan mcgregor and samuel jackson poncing around like nonces cant get beyond that really....nevermind liam neeson, geez what a badass..... havent bothered with 3 tho, saw some "highlights" such as the birth of darth, which was plenty enough for me..........still absolutely love 4-6 tho
Mickenglanduk said:
It sucked more than Eps.I? :err: I don't believe you as Eps.I is the worst Star Wars film ever but I do agree old Star Wars is the best.

To be real honest, I haven't seen EpI.
johnnieCzech said:
Since I saw Episode II, which sucked probably more than everything had sucked before, I try to avoid Revenge Of Shit. Old SW rule any day.

I find it hard to believe you prefer old school StarWars to the Nu school Johnnie....:tickled:

I personally liked Revenge, it's not a cinema classic by any means but it was enjoyable imho...
Jockthrax said:
I find it hard to believe you prefer old school StarWars to the Nu school Johnnie....:tickled:

I personally liked Revenge, it's not a cinema classic by any means but it was enjoyable imho...

I like Eps 4-6 better too but i still really like the prequel movies, I dont have a problem with Eps 1-3 like so many whining little bitches do.
Mickenglanduk said:
It sucked more than Eps.I? :err: I don't believe you as Eps.I is the worst Star Wars film ever but I do agree old Star Wars is the best.
Episode I wasn't great, but it was at least watchable. I watched Episode II once (I felt I had to sit through it since I paid to see it in the theatre), but the pain of sitting through it is almost unbearable. Horrid acting (perhaps you can blame the director that they were "directed" to act that badly), slow moving, predictable, contrived (how do they possibly fall in love with each other?), it's just a bad movie all around.

Episode III was much better, easily the best of the prequels, but I'd lost interest by this time. And they couldn't explain why R2D2 can't fly anymore by the time they reach Episode IV.

All I can say is that its a good thing they started with episodes 4-6, because if they started with 1 right from the beginning, the series never would have made it past episode 2.
nafnikufesin said:
Episode I wasn't great, but it was at least watchable. I watched Episode II once (I felt I had to sit through it since I paid to see it in the theatre), but the pain of sitting through it is almost unbearable. Horrid acting (perhaps you can blame the director that they were "directed" to act that badly), slow moving, predictable, contrived (how do they possibly fall in love with each other?), it's just a bad movie all around.

Episode III was much better, easily the best of the prequels, but I'd lost interest by this time. And they couldn't explain why R2D2 can't fly anymore by the time they reach Episode IV.

All I can say is that its a good thing they started with episodes 4-6, because if they started with 1 right from the beginning, the series never would have made it past episode 2.
I enjoy the new ones, but you are right. He added all this goofy shit with R2-D2 and everyone else. Everything looked WAY more advanced than the original movies, even though it took place previous to the original trilogy.
For Christmas I got the book "Creating the Worlds of Star Wars 365 days" and it chronicles the film making process starting with episode IV back in '75 and finishing with ROS. It's interesting to watch the progression from massive sets with very little blue screen to massive amount of blue screen and minimal sets.
The prequal trilogy has it's moments but I will stick to the original thank you very much.