OT: FNM and the future


Old School since '86
Oct 26, 2003
Just read an interview with Billy (Gould) stating whilst there are no concrete plans to record any new material with his reunited FNM buddies in 2011 that he knows they are all itching to put that question to each other. They just completed their reunion tour and now it would seem there is this very big question not just for them but also all of their fans (myself included).

Is FNM going to record a new album?

I for one hope they do - let's be honest the album will sell shitloads and given they've all matured and done their own thing for the last decade and a bit it makes you think just how crazy fucked up new material from them would be.

Even Album of the Year for all it's flaws is still better than 99% of most albums released this past decade.

Bring on some new FNM in 2011 please!
Part of me really wants new FNM material, and the other part doesn't in fear of them fucking up their legacy (a la SOD with Bigger Than The Devil feel). I'm sure Patton wouldn't allow that to happen though, surely.
I heard they don't want to record together...who knows, but their new album would be highly appreciated.
Part of me really wants new FNM material, and the other part doesn't in fear of them fucking up their legacy (a la SOD with Bigger Than The Devil feel). I'm sure Patton wouldn't allow that to happen though, surely.

bttd was still a pretty good record i thinks,obviously not classic but did it justice
bttd was still a pretty good record i thinks,obviously not classic but did it justice

Yeah it wasn't a bad record, but to me it sort of tainted SOD's legendary "we're a one-off for our time" status that they had. Their return for the live shows around 92(?) was amazing and for me that should have been it.
Part of me was happy when FNM broke up since they seemed tired of eachother, writing and touring. AotY was a good album and a fitting end. When people talked about a reunion I was against it because reunions are usually for shitty glambands and old fucks who need to pay the tax man or fancy another Maserati in the garage. I was sceptical until I saw the Brixton reunion show on Youtube and it was quite awsome. They played the Poker Face-bit before Chinese Artihmatic which I had suggested (not saying I was the only one to pick that but it was something extra). And when I saw them live it was one of the best shows I have ever been to, only in competiton with Anthrax 2003.

I was a sceptic but the quality of this band is so high that I really desire a new album (even if it is just "good" by FNM-standards).

An as for S.O.D... "meh". I thought Bigger Then the Devil was good but the feelings among it's members toward eachother would probably just end in more imature bitching.