AAhh hell all my favorite scientists/mathematicians are taken, except for the ones with short hair
Wait for it...
Nicolaus Copernicus
Pretty famous and all, but I gotta be honest looking like that if I saw him on the street I would probably kick his ass.
Jean-Marie Duhamel
Duhamel worked on partial differential equations and applied his methods to the theory of heat, to rational mechanics, and to acoustics. His acoustical studies involved vibrating strings and the vibration of air in cylindrical and conical pipes. His techniques in the theory of heat were mathematically similar to Fresnel's work in optics with his theory of the transmission of heat in crystal structures based on earlier work by Fourier and Poisson. 'Duhamel's principle' in partial differential equations arose from his contributions to the distribution of heat in a solid with a variable boundary temperature. In fact his theoretical predictions relating to the propogation of heat in non-isotropic solids was later verified experimentally by the physicist Henri de Sénarmont. However, Duhamel did some experimental work of his own, particularly in the area of vibrating strings. He invented a recording instrument which consisted of a pen attached to a vibrating string which left a recond on a moving plate behind it. He suggested that the the different sounds which one perceives from musical instruments was due to the ear receiving a complex number of harmonics which were heard as a single sound. This understanding of sound was made independently by G S Ohm.