OT: Harassment and deportation of Stream of Passion?!

Whatever keeps us safe, in my opinion. I don't really care to have assholes blowing up any more buildings on American soil. If "invading the whole Middle East" is required, so be it. (though I'm sure we can let Israel do that for us)

Part of me fully wants to burn the lawn to destroy all the weeds. But, I know that wouldn't be a good thing.

How does one sit back and allow these nations to fuel the scurge? And though G-Dub is probably the least popular man in the world (strangely less popular than bin Laden himself), I say kudos to a man who can stick to his own principles and make the tough, unpopular decisions. I can see the end result for the Middle East; abhorrently, the US media cannot, and so neither can the American people. Sod off.

[/mini rant] and back to my Stone 10th Anniversary IPA and time off from work to play Mr. Mom.
Taliwakker said:
Fuck diplomacy Charis...say what you think...its what your soul demands :)

fine, but i wont be popular with this one :lol:

i think theres alot more to the story than just 'bin laden organised al-qaida = bush declared a "war on terrorism"'. i also look to how much money the bush family (and possibly the bin laden family - though they SAY they kicked the bin laden family out of the Carlyle Group, did they really? who knows?) are making out of this whole ugly thing. i also think its interesting how bush is 'fighting for freedom' - by convincing/scaring both the american populous, and the rest of the western world, to give up elements of that freedom for so-called safety. I also think they throw around the word 'terrorist' far too liberally and use it as justification to detain people and treat them however they want, keep them in horrendous conditions and torture or kill them.. yet if this was a non-western country doing this, especially a country other than america, there would be an outrage. all im saying is, there are many things to look at with this situation..
Just a quick question - should the US detain these "terrorists" and demand their governments hand over, say, free oil. If the US doesn't receive the free oil in three days, should Bush put a hood on his head and film himself cutting their f'in heads off? Or should we send a few people over to the Middle East solely to blow themselves up? Just for our beliefs?

I think not.

Bush is running a country. His threats of safety, in my opinion (rather well informed), are justified.
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I'm agreed there. ^ He has a job to do, and a lot of responsibility. If he didn't make the tough calls, who knows what would happen, but he can't just wait around and keep shutting the gate after the horse has bolted as they say...
I think Bush is an idiot and the public seems to agree, considering the Dems won the house and senate. I'm almost sure a dem president will come along also.
god i hope dems win next round.. actually id really like that obama character to win.. who is the republican candidates anyway? we hear alot about clinton and obama (because its the first woman and the first black man in the running) but not much about anyone else..
ABQ wrote
Whatever keeps us safe, in my opinion. I don't really care to have assholes blowing up any more buildings on American soil. If "invading the whole Middle East" is required, so be it. (though I'm sure we can let Israel do that for us)

Part of me fully wants to burn the lawn to destroy all the weeds. But, I know that wouldn't be a good thing.

How does one sit back and allow these nations to fuel the scurge? And though G-Dub is probably the least popular man in the world (strangely less popular than bin Laden himself), I say kudos to a man who can stick to his own principles and make the tough, unpopular decisions. I can see the end result for the Middle East; abhorrently, the US media cannot, and so neither can the American people. Sod off.

Wow...i've found in the past its not worth arguing with people with this stance...the wool must be pretty comfortable over those eyelids.
Do you believe in god and have an american flag out the front of your house by any chance? ;)

SR wrote

i think theres alot more to the story than just 'bin laden organised al-qaida = bush declared a "war on terrorism"'. i also look to how much money the bush family (and possibly the bin laden family - though they SAY they kicked the bin laden family out of the Carlyle Group, did they really? who knows?) are making out of this whole ugly thing.

and what i don't get is that there is so much evidence out there concerning Bush and his mates making a packet since 9-11...starting with the obvious insider trading going regarding the placement of large numbers of put options on stocks of companies directly affected by the Sept. 11 attacks like United and American Airlines...almost 300 times higher than the levels just 7 days before....but only for these two airlines...hmm...i wonder who snapped up the super cheap stocks a week later?
I don't need to mention about the huge amounts of money spent on contracts to Bush's mates rebuilding Iraq, housing the troops etc.

Then there is all the other stuff about 911 being an inside job...unfortunately some of the documentaries out there tend to do that movement an injustice by slanting the truth or editing some of the footage used...so when you get caught bullshitting once all your claims are therefore discredited.
But its not like the US haven't planned to this stuff before...Operation Northwoods ring any bells?

I'll stop here otherwise this could get really long.
Republicans haven't announced their candidacies yet. Obama forced the Dems' hands by announcing early.

The Dem Congress has two years to screw this county up, which I think they will do. Iraq will become a fiasco worse than Vietnam due to their inabilities to make decisions.

I sincerely hope a Dem does NOT win the presidency. I'm already dreading the taxes that will be coming my way with a Dem Congress - I would very much hate to live through the next four years with Dem rule. Granted, the Republican party has plenty of its own hang-ups and drawbacks, but it is the more appealing party in terms of platforms - small government is favored by me nine times out of 10. But, the liberal media will do everything it can to change the party in the White House, as seen in the recent Congressional elections. I especially fear Clinton. Her policies border on Socialism. Her blind backing of socialized medicine will be enough to dramatically injure this country.

As far as Republican candidates, Romney has announced his candidacy. He is a former Republican governor in one of the most liberal states in the Union. Giuliani should announce soon, as will McCain. Huckabee, if for nothing other than his cool name, may be the most attractive candidate in my book; but, I'm afraid his lack of money will make much of an impact on the primaries. Romney can run his candidacy out of his own pocket, but I think his Mormon background may prevent him from the White House. That and his flip-flopping on abortion issues.

This may actually be the best election yet for an Independent to step up and win the White House. Anybody who plays their cards right should have a very good chance to make an impact.
haha, Tali. The wool is comfortable indeed, though I would hate to be in your shoes that are so easily led down the road of suspect conspiratorial theories. Indeed!

I would applaud anybody who made money off a devalued stock that later recovered - that shows intelligent investment strategies and an ability to take risks.

And most of your arguments confuse President with Vice President, and again deal with issues promulgated by the media.

But, since you've stopped your ranting, I will stop mine so I can find my Bible and cozy up on the lawn chair under my proudly unfurled American flag. :cool:
I would applaud anybody who made money off a devalued stock that later recovered - that shows intelligent investment strategies and an ability to take risks.


"This could very well be insider trading at the worst, most horrific, most evil use you've ever seen in your entire life...This would be one of the most extraordinary coincidences in the history of mankind if it was a coincidence,"
Bloomberg News

clap away ABQ...research it

And most of your arguments confuse President with Vice President, and again deal with issues promulgated by the media

where are my arguments...and where is the confusion between Pres and Vice Pres?

The wool is comfortable indeed, though I would hate to be in your shoes that are so easily led down the road of suspect conspiratorial theories. Indeed!

well the thing is that i actually take in as many different news sources from all over the world that are less likely to be influenced by american political leanings and i then formulate my own opinion. Conspiracy Theorist is a nice lable isn't it though.....you either believe everything your told or you are a "conspiracy theorist"...its all black and white...your either with us or agianst us mentality that Bush has pushed since 911.
Like i said before...for all the bullshit that has been published on 911 conspiracies there is some very compelling evidence. Its up to you to seek it out if you want to know.
Does the US have a history of planning attacks against itself to try and get its public behind a war? Yes..Operation Northwoods and its public record too ABQ.
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I also knew that, and therefore I shall take no further part in it, as I have no desire to discuss politics, I'd much rather leave that to the news reporters and analysts, and discuss far more important matters such as who is the better guitarist out of John Petrucci and Michael Romeo, or how awesome Tony MacAlpine is, or which album will be released first this year... :p
The candidates:
Dream Theater
Symphony X
Planet X
Spiral Architect

political threads always have a habit of turning nasty.. which is why im always reluctant to give an opinion, or when i do..at least make it as nice as possible..

Taliwakker said:
well the thing is that i actually take in as many different news sources from all over the world that are less likely to be influenced by american political leanings and i then formulate my own opinion. Conspiracy Theorist is a nice lable isn't it though.....you either believe everything your told or you are a "conspiracy theorist"...its all black and white...your either with us or agianst us mentality that Bush has pushed since 911.
Like i said before...for all the bullshit that has been published on 911 conspiracies there is some very compelling evidence. Its up to you to seek it out if you want to know.

i dont need to say much more.. rich covered it pretty well right there..
That's funny. We'll all believe what we wish to believe. I don't think Bush has the wherewithal to carry on something that clandestine, personally. I'll leave it at that.

Hasn't Zach already laid absolute claim to album of the year on another thread?