OT: Harassment and deportation of Stream of Passion?!

and now i'm going to throw in my political 10c worth... i hate to disillusion you americans, but unless you get your news from many many sources, the crap you are fed by your print and tv media is so very biased. you would realise this if you lived anywhere but there. very few of you even seem to realise there is a whole other world out there full of people who may or may not have very differing opinions to yours. in fact, most of you, without cheating, probably couldnt tell me the time difference between new york and alaska, let alone which states are in what time zone.

dubya, g not j, is so full of himself... when has he ever been able to string two words together that make sense? its so easy to tell when he is reading a speech that someone else has written for him... it flows... he should never have won the last election, but the bible states (and i include alaska, incredibly republican, in this) pulled him through.

unfortunately, what happens in the states has far-reaching and long-term effects on the rest of the world.
well the thing is that i actually take in as many different news sources from all over the world that are less likely to be influenced by american political leanings and i then formulate my own opinion. Conspiracy Theorist is a nice lable isn't it though.....you either believe everything your told or you are a "conspiracy theorist"...its all black and white...your either with us or agianst us mentality that Bush has pushed since 911.
Like i said before...for all the bullshit that has been published on 911 conspiracies there is some very compelling evidence. Its up to you to seek it out if you want to know.
Does the US have a history of planning attacks against itself to try and get its public behind a war? Yes..Operation Northwoods and its public record too ABQ.

lol. you sound just like my sister, shes convinced that multi national corporations are trying to assassinate her.

To that end, crapola, I'm well aware of media bias - not only in the US, but around the world. I lived three years in Brussels, Belgium, and though I don't consider myself "worldly", I do have insight into other countries.
well the thing is that i actually take in as many different news sources from all over the world that are less likely to be influenced by american political leanings and i then formulate my own opinion. Conspiracy Theorist is a nice lable isn't it though.....you either believe everything your told or you are a "conspiracy theorist"...its all black and white...your either with us or agianst us mentality that Bush has pushed since 911.
Rep to the Wakker of Tali.
There was an interesting show (part of a series)called "The Power of Nighmares" about the politics of fear...about islamists and neoconservatives.
Sheds some light on what Al-Quaeda is (or in fact isn't) The episode is on youtube somewhere....most of the series is.
Its amazing what US intelligence considers evidence of being a member of a terrorist cell and planning an attack....scarey.
in fact, most of you, without cheating, probably couldnt tell me the time difference between new york and alaska, let alone which states are in what time zone.

Nice stereotype. Not all of us are complete blooming idiots, though..sorry to burst your bubble.
now its just getting nasty.. remember people, differences of opinion dont mean having to get personal and put each other down..at the end of the day we can still appreciate each other as human beings..
yeah for a laugh when i had cable i would try watching fox news or cnn, omg thats such shit!!!! i dont know how you americans can put up with it on a daily basis, especially as a major news source.. not saying our news is any better, i cant watch that either.. but its not quite as hyped up as american news is..

actually that reminds me of team america, one of the many many parts i loved about that movie was how 'intelligence' was just sourced from news reports with peter jennings :lol: