OT Hey Rifkin......

Lets just say that the Giants are suffering from what Philly did last year with TO and Dallas has been having issues with except instead of one player causing it all, it's like 5 players all mouthing off and acting like infants on the fields causing unnessecary personal fouls.
But hey, I'm a Bills fans. It's my boyfriend who has to deal with the Giants.
So, are the Giants THAT bad? Or are the Saints THAT good?
The whole NFC (except maybe for the Saints) is awful!!!

I don't buy the Bears. (The fact that I'm a Packers fan may have something to do with it.) Heck, the Pack has had a terrible season and still have a shot at the playoffs!

For Super Bowl XLI, can anybody spell C-H-A-R-G-E-R-S???
Shoot, the Saints are beating darn near everyone. They *embarassed* the falcons this year--hence my comment.

And for those that don't realize I was (mostly ;)) kidding, I was... well about telling Shane to go to hell, anyway. ;) My stepdad is thrilled, and as long as I don't have to liste to Joe Horn, I'm fine with it. Be good to have a SB winner from the South.