OT: How are you GA people?


Living the dream!
Oct 8, 2002
Somewhere at 33,000'
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I friend of mine who lives near Atlanta called me this morning to tell me that his neighborhood got wiped by a tornado last night. Thankfully, he and his home are okay. I just want to find out if the rest of you in GA are weathering the storms okay.
Thanks for asking... I was on the bottom edge of the worse stuff. I live a few miles north of I-20 which runs east-west through GA and the storm stayed just north of us. About 15-20 miles east of us they put out some tornado warning. But all we got here was a lot of thunder and some winds. But looking around my property there are no limbs down or anything.

When Ivan rolled through here, I got up the morning of ProgPower to find half a tree blocking my driveway. I had quite a workout with an axe that day. Nothing was stopping me from getting to PP!!!

But we're ok here today. Thanks for checking on us. :)
There wasn't anything bad in my area, just some big thunderstorms. There are a lot of branches and stuff in the streets of my neighborhood, though.
It was pretty crazy. I woke up in the middle of the night, dazed, and half thought we were being bombed (ok partly the fault of the dream I was having). Some of the loudest thunder I have ever heard. Always fun when you can't fall asleep due to car alarms blasting.
I went to bed around 1am with only one thought: What if the power goes out and I sleep through the start of pre-party tickets going on sale???

Well, it DID go out around 4am, but there was no way I was sleeping through the start of that storm...nice and loud (and kinda scary for a few minutes). I set the alarm on my cell phone so I would be up by 10am, but of course still no power! In fact I just got it back about ten minutes ago...

Thank god for backup plans--ashaman7122 got the tickets for our group and now all is well!

Yeah, live in Cobb County and we got hit hard last night about 4 am. Lightning was going off so fast, wind was insane (I think they said some parts reported up to 100 mph), rain, thunder. I swore it was a tornado when I woke up cause it sounded like someone said above - like we were being bombed.

I couldn't even tell if tornado sirens were going off because wind was so loud. Power went out too...

Now OK though. Went driving today, lots of trees down, power cable poles ripped and tossed down, traffic lights not working, some even torn off.

Was like a mini-hurricane
We were heading toward the house after doing WREKage -- in a hurry since I'd left my 'puters on and, even with battery backups, I wanted to be there to shut them down -- and we saw constant lightning in the distance. I've been in 3 tornados since moving here, and that constant lightning was always present, so I'm thinking "uh-oh....." Turned onto my street and got hit by a massive burst of rain and wind, but no hail. We rolled into the garage -- thanking my lucky stars that I HAVE a garage, 'cause it was pouring -- and was surprised to see the power hadn't flickered -- yet. The storm started dying out right about then, and the thunder and lightning had greatly diminished, which kinda scared the crap out of us....it was really eerie. I checked the radar and stuff online and saw that the narrow squall line had just passed us, but the area maybe 5 miles to the north of us was really getting hammered. We got lucky. *whew*
I actually live in Alabama, but right on the Georgia border (In Phenix City, next to Columbus for any semi-locals.) We had some limbs down and several tornados touch down in our area, but I guess most was rural stuff as Columbus is a decent sized city (about 90 miles SW of Atlanta.)

diablomozart said:
funny...i live right by the chattahoochee...saw the lightning...stayed up to watch it actually...but nothing really hard hit us...cool show tho...d.m.

Really? What part? I grew up in Columbus :kickass:
Hey... we're all fine here. I was in a wedding yesterday, so we haven't been online. I slept through everything, only to be given massive shit by Mike & Tracie, who got up at 4 am Saturday to huddle under the stairs with her visiting family. :p Actually, I'm right by the river in Roswell, and it didn't look like we got it very bad either.

I didn't speak to him, but Glenn was alive as of yesterday. :)
