OT: Pranks Thread


Dec 18, 2003
alright april fool's day is coming up, and more importantly, so is my school band's annual band trip. any pranks you guys have done or know of will really help out. i have limited resources, since i'll be on a coach bus & cruise ship, but i can definately bring stuff, if anyone can fill me in on some... :headbang: keep in mind im lookin to have some fun, not kill anyone. but i know summa you out there have done some crazy pranks you wouldnt mind sharing. let's hear 'em!
v01c354nd51gn5 said:
alright april fool's day is coming up, and more importantly, so is my school band's annual band trip. any pranks you guys have done or know of will really help out. i have limited resources, since i'll be on a coach bus & cruise ship, but i can definately bring stuff, if anyone can fill me in on some... :headbang: keep in mind im lookin to have some fun, not kill anyone. but i know summa you out there have done some crazy pranks you wouldnt mind sharing. let's hear 'em!

This is a prank me and my cousin did on a cruise ship once.

It was around 2am in the morning. Me and my cousin did not want to waste time on the ship sleeping. So that night we went to the pool and took a dive with all our clothes on (the water was freezing by the way). We ran back to our rooms and put on life jackets. We stood next to my uncle and started screaming "the ship is sinking, the ship is sinking" (Not too loud as to wake/scare the other passengers). He was still half asleep so he basically believed everything we told him. He saw we were wet so he believed us more. He started screaming and ran for his lifejacket and started to run to teh top deck while me and my cousin were there laughing our asses off.

He came came back a few minutes later, after seeing no one else on the deck, walked straight past me and my cousin, said nothing, adn went back to sleep.

Me and my cousin never cried so much from laughter. :D
Is this marching band? Take black shoe polish and rub it on the inside of someone's hat where they put their forehead.

Pour water on someone's bus seat/bed/pillow/someplace they will spend a lot of time on

If it's an overnight trip:
When someone comes out of the shower, throw powdered ice tea or powdered kool aid on them

Wake people up in the middle of the night and tell them they overslept

Steal someone's mattress

Ah, the many pranks college life has taught me.
Everyone's going to be tired on April Fool's day. Why? Because they just finished a 31-day march! hahahahahahahaha! Like, you know "March" is a month, but "marching" is a way of walking! So, it's a play on words, because they sound like each other! Ha, imagine if everyone actually did go on a 31-day march! That sure would be wacky, eh?

All right, see you kids around the campfire.
TotenMitMacht said:
Everyone's going to be tired on April Fool's day. Why? Because they just finished a 31-day march! hahahahahahahaha! Like, you know "March" is a month, but "marching" is a way of walking! So, it's a play on words, because they sound like each other! Ha, imagine if everyone actually did go on a 31-day march! That sure would be wacky, eh?

All right, see you kids around the campfire.

hahahah, BTW props on the madsword g

alright this is a good one. On the way to PP4 Lucho and Dani from Magistral, Dani's girlfriend Jamie, my dad and I were driving in Alabama at about 3 or 4 in the morning. We stopped at a corner store to get out and stretch and get gas. Lucho, Dani, Jamie, and I get out the car my dad is getting gas. I am buy the car and the rest of them are in the corner store. My dad has n't gotten the gas yet and I say..."Dad, get in the car and leave them" so we jump in the car and leave their asses. We go around to the next street over to get gas. about 4 minutes later we pull up to where we left them and It seriously looked like Dani was about to start crying and Lucho was really pissed off, Jamie was just laughing because she knew it was a prank. To really laugh at this you have to understand that Dani and Lucho are from Chile and they still are grasping american sarcasm, pranks, etc... :D
that's awesome. Here's a good one- walk up to someone at an airport and stare at them while they're reading or something. When they finally look up, look them right in the eyes and say, "don't get on the flight," in a really even voice. Then, turn around and walk away. If they're the religious type, they'll think you're a guardian angel or something.
One good thing that isn't so much a prank as it is something awesome to do on a bus- eat a whole pineapple or a goat's head from a butcher shop. People love that. And read letters from Penthouse out loud.

by the way, do you know of any way to buy Madsword albums? I've looked all over the place and on a ton of websites, but I can't find anything. I'm addicted to them, though.
that's awesome. Here's a good one- walk up to someone at an airport and stare at them while they're reading or something. When they finally look up, look them right in the eyes and say, "don't get on the flight," in a really even voice

That's crazy. These days, they'll throw your ass in jail for that. I wouldn't recommend that one in a post-9/11 world.
yeah man im not fuckin with 9/11 style stuff. but yeah its a 24 hr. coach bus ride from here to somewhere in florida, overnight. then a few days of a cruise, and then another 24 hrs on that damn bus again. the silly string when ppl come out of the bathroom is getting kinda old. yeah its marching band. and concert band. and drumline.
a bit of a sneaky one is to rename your name on someone's phone to the name of someone's girlfriend/girl they like/random, and change that persons name to your own, so u can send them texts, and they think it's from you, and you get all the texts that they'd send to said person. Sounds a bit lame, but with a bit of imagination it can be hilarious :D

i used to do loads of good pranks, but im having a bit of a memory block at the moment.....will post some if i can remember them.

alcohol is not good for chris's brain =(