OT: Softsynth for metal


Fiesta's Angels
Sep 10, 2006
Hello! :)

I'm currently working on some moody black metal stuff, but my keyboard has crap strings, violin, trumpet, horns etc. sounds. Plus I'm not very good playing the keyboard.

So my question is, is there a softsynth which have good strings, choir aahs, violin, flute, horns, cello, etc. sounds? I have this vision of programming music on my computer which sounds at least a bit like an real orchestra.

I've looked at Massive from Native Instruments, but have no option to try before I buy. Would this softsynth suit my needs, or if not, which softsynth would?

All suggestions welcome!

(I use a PC with cubase sx3)
You can get some nice soundfonts for all those instruments, which is obviously the free option, plus gives you the option to try a load out to see what suits you. It also depends on whether you want realistic sounding strings, like you have an orchestra playing, or if you want it to sound like a synth. IMO the best sounding orchestral instruments are the EWQL series.
Sorry for resurrecting this thread, but theres just something more I'd like to ask.

You can get some nice soundfonts for all those instruments, which is obviously the free option, plus gives you the option to try a load out to see what suits you. It also depends on whether you want realistic sounding strings, like you have an orchestra playing, or if you want it to sound like a synth. IMO the best sounding orchestral instruments are the EWQL series.

I would be looking for something which sounds like a synth.

So my question is: Is there a softsynth which have the standard "syntheziser" sounds like choir aahs, piano, harpsichoard, strings etc. which at the same time sound realistic? In other words a softsynth which have sounds which equal a high-quality syntheziser?

Thanks if anyone helps me out on this one.
Sorry for resurrecting this thread, but theres just something more I'd like to ask.

I would be looking for something which sounds like a synth.

So my question is: Is there a softsynth which have the standard "syntheziser" sounds like choir aahs, piano, harpsichoard, strings etc. which at the same time sound realistic? In other words a softsynth which have sounds which equal a high-quality syntheziser?

Thanks if anyone helps me out on this one.

Excuse me but you sound like someone who doesn't understand the difference between a synthetizer and a sampler.

You can't get a synthetizer to sound "realistic".

For realism you need a sample player.

And for maximum realism you need an expensive multi GB sample library.
I dunno if they are the best, but I tried East west quantum leap platinium strings, and I must say they sound pretty amazing, realistic.

It's bitch to program, though, if you really wanna express all the nuances of the isntruments.

It's a not synthetiser, its a sampler-based VSTi.

Please do not use so many abbreviations. I'm a bit retarded and I find it hard to understand what you are talking about.

VSL are Vienna Symphonic?
Okey, so that's my favourite too.
Ok I'll try to explain myself one more time.

Example: I program drums in Cubase SX 3 with drumkit from hell superior. When I export the file to wav or mp3 I hear the programmed drums in the audio file.

In a similiar way I want to program synth sounds by loading a VSTi into Cubase SX 3, so I can program keyboard parts without actually playing or having a keyboard, just the same way I don't have a real drumkit when programming drums.

So, which VSTi are there which have good sounds like choir aahs, strings, choirs, harpsichord, piano etc.

Which VSTi would suit my needs regarding these sounds i mentioned?

Would for example Massive from Native Instruments be good for this..or some other VSTi?
Oooaaahhh!! Right then. What you need is some VSTi like Kontakt or Halion.

I use Kontakt (Native Instruments), you can load almost all formats of orchestra or any other instrument. You can also edit samples, attack, susstain, release, etc... you can assign different output channels so you can have every instrument on each channel, apply fx and everything.
That's only the program, then you will need the samples, there are many Cd's and DVD's with tons of samples. For that purpose I recommend Vienna Symphonic.
I use it with Cubase SX3 and it works fine.
If you want a greag all around synth that will serve many applications, I would look at Steinberg's Hypersonic 2. It has an incredible selection of sounds with great variety.


I doubt you will be happy with massive. It's for electronic oriented music. As the owner of both I suggest you gravitate towards hypersonic. It has all those sounds as well as many others you will find useful. I would actually recommend it to anyone here. vsl and ewql obviously contain higher quality samples but I believe that hypersonic 2 is the swiss army knife of vsti's. :kickass:
@SomeoneWild :- First thing you can try is download SFZ, which is soundfont VSTi, then search the net for soundfonts, and just try these out and see if they give you the sound quality you want/need, this offers an advantage, as soundfonts are free. I realise Mutant already said this, but it would be my first choice in your situation.

@devouredremains :- Do you realise you quoted yourself, but then replied to something SomeoneWild typed?
Thanks for the help everyone.

cobhc: I have the sfz free virtual instrument, but no sounds with it. They must have the extension "fxb" or "fxp". However I can't seem to find sounds with these extensions. You know any sites?