OT: (Sort of) Regina = Pile of Bones?!


don't you realize how it makes me miss Canadian breakfasts??? The Hungryman's Breakfast at Stan's??????? DON'T YOU?????? (not that I had pancakes there, but whatever..... :cool: )

*drool* pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausages, toast, baked potatoes or those other thingies...... *drool*

i miss Stan's.....


look how happy Nico and I were here (this was in Banff, but WITH pancakes) :hotjump:

of course, those are the best shots :p
hey don't you guys in the US have similar breakfasts too? We just have the fried or scrambled eggs with bacon at best :( Or pancakes (different type, not fluffy). I've found out recently that a nearby pancake restaurant is open each day from 10am, so we can at least go eat that when we need something different!

I miss Stan's, I miss Jack, teasing or not. I miss Barb - say hi to Barb and see if she still remembers the Dutch couple (hopefully the place isn't swamped by Dutch couples LOL) And withdrawal symptoms after one week? Try 9 months! Can't believe it's already been 9 months!
OH YEAH, RUB IT IN!!!!!!!!!!

do tell Barb we miss her and see if she remembers us, pleaaaase!

(geez, that's something you can let Marlin take to Europe for us..... an authentic Stan's Hungryman's Breakfast hahaha!!!!)
Marlies said:
well, are you gonna tell us WHO???

ok I googled....... Panic on Metal Blade??? Never heard of.....

LOL!!!! Marlies you cheater!! hahaha. Yes, that's who it was. I doubt many people *ever* heard of them, they recorded two albums for Metal Blade in the early '90s and then went completely AWOL. They were pretty damn good, actually - technical thrash type metal from Seattle, of all places. I remembered seeing the video for Blackfeather Shake (1st album, same one as Pile 'O Bones was on) and was really impressed. They were definitely ahead of their time but sadly, got lost in the shuffle somewheres. I'm wondering if Alina knew this one... LOL... without cheating!! :Spin: j/k

I need to learn how to reply in a more timely fashion I think. *grumble* :ill:

Marlies said:

don't you realize how it makes me miss Canadian breakfasts??? The Hungryman's Breakfast at Stan's??????? DON'T YOU?????? (not that I had pancakes there, but whatever..... :cool: )

*drool* pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausages, toast, baked potatoes or those other thingies...... *drool*

i miss Stan's.....


Dumb question, Marlies... do they not have pancakes in Holland?

I get Stan's tomorrow morning!!! Staying over at my Dad's equals a free Stan's breakfast in the morning! Horray!

It's funny how a topic can turn from a Pile of Buffalo Bones to Stan's Breakfasts...hahaha So yeah, umm... how about them bones in their piles??? :p
or I just rename the thread? :Saint: :lol:
anyway, all off topic Regina stuff should fit here just fine I'd say :)

Mark: we do have pancakes, and I like them more than the fluffy ones you got, but it's more a lunch dish here. There are even pancake restaurants, where they serve a big variety of sweet and hearty pancakes. With slices of apples or bacon (flried with the pancake) are the most popular ones. We recently found a places where they open at 10am already! We don't have a 24/7 society over here, so it's rare. BTW, we also have "poffertjes", those are fluffy but very small, like one inch. You get a bunch of them on your plate, with some butter and powder-sugar, mmmmmmmm :)

We also do fry eggs with bacon for breakfast, but that's it. It's the complete thing I'm missing, the combination of eggs, potatoes, bacon, sausages (you just can't find those type of sausages here) and possibly a pancake (the Hungryman's doesn't include pancakes). I wouldn't even know where to go have breakfast around here, except maybe McDonalds (ugh, just donuts etc, but no McGriddle here!!!!!!! :( ) , no real restaurant except the pancake restaurant I mentioned before.