OT: Texas Chainsaw Massacre


Old School Youngin
Mar 10, 2002
north carolina
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firstly, i cant wait for this movie, ive loved all of them and seen them all except "next generation" but i have a question to put out to you all, is it just me or in some of the pictures you see leatherface looks like michael myers, if you look at it in the UM banner he kinda does to me, anyway, discuss TCM now!
Fuck, I cant wait for it either. I met Gunnar Hansen a few years back, cool guy. From what I could tell they arent going to have the guy in the wheelchair in this film, instead of the hitchhiker being a guy (the one who burnt the picture up and cut the guy with the straightrazor), its gonna be a girl. I just hope they dont make it into a tale about a strong willed girl who overcomes some bad shit, you know what I mean? Keep it as close to the original as possible with killer effects. Fuck, ill be there opening weekend as well as seeing "Kill Bill" this weekend. THE SAW IS FAMILY!!!!
I hated 28 days later...

I look forward to seeing TCM. It will not shock the nation like the first one did though. But those times are gone.

This weekend is going to rule. Kill Bill, Mystic River, cause Eastwood rules and a new Joel and Ethan Cohen movie. Can it get any better?

The buzz is very very bad on House of the Dead though. I suspect it will sink quick.
i just bought one of those, the remake of night of the living dead, it had the dude in it that played candyman, and if i am not mistaken the end of it is them in a basement surrounded by zombies and the zombies are breaking in and the movie ends, even if i recall wrong, i love the bad guy to win.
The fact that lots of people are going to pay to see this movie, meaning it will make lots of money, meaning they will remake even more movies, is enough to make me want to commit suicide.

How anyone can think this movie (or any Michael Bay movie for that matter) won't be complete shit is beyond me.
The it's based on a true story thing...I read some about that.

It's based loosely on a psycho killer in Wisconsin. The same guy that inspired Silence of the Lambs, and earlier, Psycho. I forgot what the guys name was.
Ok, I'm going to say this, then I'm going to walk away because it only causes massive arguments.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is NOT based on Ed Gein. The only thing the two have in common is digging up dead people and using them as furniture and 'clothing', the later he only did once or twice by his own account because it smelled horrible.

Tobe Hooper, in a brilliant move, claimed the original to be entirelly based on a true story and watched people fall for it (Oh my uncle was a cop and was there the day they brought that family in! Swear to god!).
Cincy Vigilante said:
This weekend is going to rule. Kill Bill, Mystic River, cause Eastwood rules and a new Joel and Ethan Cohen movie. Can it get any better?

Mystic River was a real good book. The movie should be worth it.

Too bad they don't know how to spell. Mistic