(OT) wages of sin amp settings ( i know! )


Dec 7, 2004
santiago, chile
i know that there is a topic to talk about this album but i need to ask another thing that is not in that topic , and i need to know in a hurry pleaseeee


with my band have to record the hole dam album AGAIN!! :erk: :cry: to release it world wide so...

now i have payed for 1 day for a 5150 head and a mesa boogie head+cab
( $70 dollars --> the 5150 + the mesa boogie head+cab ) i have to record all the guitars in a couple of ours :OMG:

pic of the mesa http://image.www.rakuten.co.jp/ikebe/img10291959898.jpeg

so could anyone tell me what settings do i have to use on my 5150 and mesa boogie head to have that wage of sin guitar sound??

sorry for making another post , but i need this, im going to record this sunday



pd : i have never play in my life a 5150 or a mesa boogie, and also i dont have the chance to have the amps 1 day before the recordings at home to " play " with them .. so

pd2 : and we will going to use andy sneap kick and snare samples for the drums also ..

do you understand me :/?

Bottom line, you've bitten off more than you can chew. I don't have those amp's,so can't really help with the settings, but I do know that WOS was not 5150/Mesa, so i don't know why you're gonig for that sound with them.
I just wish you all the luck in the world, cos an album of guitar tracknig is a HUGE feat for one day.
Sorry I couldnt be more constructive, dude.

Actually, I can be constructive: the amps characters work together well, so you don't have to exadurate the EQ, just get each to sound good on it's own, then mix them to taste. Take mroe time with the mic placement than the EQing of the amps, too.
You know, admitting that your album will be released worldwide, then claiming that you're going to rip off samples that have been created by a renowned producer, and possibly already featured on a worldwide release isn't the most sound thing to do.
Record the guitar tracks to a DI and a crappy amp and then REAMP in one day! Don't do that to yourself! I can't give you WOS settings either but here are (supposeddly) some settings by Andy

ead channel
Pre 11 oclock
Low 1 oclock ish
Mid 9 oclock ish
High 11.30ish
Post 9.30, 10 oclock
Res 2 oclock
Pres 3 o clock

Tube screamer
Drive 9 oclock
Tone 11 oclock
Level 12 o clock

Pretty nice, so a good place to start. Good luck.
You know, admitting that your album will be released worldwide, then claiming that you're going to rip off samples that have been created by a renowned producer, and possibly already featured on a worldwide release isn't the most sound thing to do.

so what is the drama here ? i think most of the guys who mix on this forum
( underground bands) i think they use sneap samples . is not bat to have good amps and good drum samples .

cheers dude
Bottom line, you've bitten off more than you can chew. I don't have those amp's,so can't really help with the settings, but I do know that WOS was not 5150/Mesa, so i don't know why you're gonig for that sound with them.
I just wish you all the luck in the world, cos an album of guitar tracknig is a HUGE feat for one day.
Sorry I couldnt be more constructive, dude.

Actually, I can be constructive: the amps characters work together well, so you don't have to exadurate the EQ, just get each to sound good on it's own, then mix them to taste. Take mroe time with the mic placement than the EQing of the amps, too.

and what amp did they use?
Record the guitar tracks to a DI and a crappy amp and then REAMP in one day! Don't do that to yourself! I can't give you WOS settings either but here are (supposeddly) some settings by Andy

ead channel
Pre 11 oclock
Low 1 oclock ish
Mid 9 oclock ish
High 11.30ish
Post 9.30, 10 oclock
Res 2 oclock
Pres 3 o clock

Tube screamer
Drive 9 oclock
Tone 11 oclock
Level 12 o clock

Pretty nice, so a good place to start. Good luck.

thnks for that

i will let you know if i could make it :) i will do 2 tracking each L & R

thnks again
...but no recto, which is sort of what struck me as wierd, when you said you wanted that tone with the Recto and 5150- and in one day!!

1 day to record the guitars not to mix

i think i will record first l and r with the mesa and second l and r with the peavy and leads with peavy again :loco:
1 day to record the guitars not to mix

i think i will record first l and r with the mesa and second l and r with the peavy and leads with peavy again :loco:

Not to doubt your abilities but you are sure that you can record 4 (ultra-tight) tracks + Leads + Overdubs + (maybe) clean guitars + finding the sound you need (trying different mic positions, mics etc. ....) in 1 Day?:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :OMG:

I wish you good luck man!!! You will need it!!!
1 day to record the guitars not to mix

i think i will record first l and r with the mesa and second l and r with the peavy and leads with peavy again :loco:

I understood that from the initial post. FABZ pretty much nailed it there. You seriously have to be a great guitar player, engineer, producer.....super audio nerd if you can get those done well enough (for an ALBUM) in one day.

As stated before, I wish you luck, though I just think you're pushing it timewise.