OT: "Your best eBay deals"


Burning headbanger
Jul 24, 2009
Hi guys,

am pretty know to eBay but have scored a few good deals. For example I got a Logitech z4 system in white - perfect for my white walls! It was no longer possible to buy in the stores but thanks to eBay I got it.

Would be cool to know if anyone got something crazy really cheap or managed to selll something "useless but fun" and so on. :grin:

Like the effect pedal for vocals I am bidding on right now. Cost 225 € new, but the guy selling it starts on: 0 €. That is quite ... crazy!? =) Now we have reached 140 by the way, still running, maybe it was not so crazy in the end.

Just another thread but this could be fun!
I've never bought anything off ebay. Tried to get one of those retro Alesis drum machines once, but I guess they're getting kinda vintage, so there are a lot of people who buy them purely as collectables hoping that they will increase in value as time passes. It's not really that financially sound to buy anything off ebay if you're living in Norway. If you buy anything priced higher than nok 200 (roughly 35 us dollars), you have to pay 25 % VAT on import and a fee for the VAT calculation. You can pay a lower fee if you calcultate the VAT yourself, but still....
I buy all my clothes from Ebay because it's so much cheaper. For example Converse All Stars cost around 70€ here, I get them for half the price from Ebay. With postage! The biggest risk I've taken was when I bought a Gibson Les Paul last spring (the model wasn't available in all of Europe). With my special Jedi powers the guitar came in one peace and it was a good one, by which I mean no quality issues. Taxes were a bitch though, but what are you gonna do.

God bless Ebay!
Usually when I get something from Ebay it's something I can't find anywhere else so I seldom get a good deal, especially when you factor in the crazy shipping most people charge on there.