other bands with Lefay guys

Lefay fan

New Metal Member
Sep 11, 2003
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Hey guys !
I'm a big fan and I was wondering if any of you have played in other bands or are involved in other bands that have or are gonna be released. Thanks a lot and see you somewhere in Sweden I hope !
Two or three members from Lefay were in a band called FANTASMAGORIA.
They released one album called "Fuck you all" in 1998.
On this album is a cover from the Judas Priest-classic "The Rage". Beside the singer of Fantasmagoria also sings Charles Rytkönen on this song.
So...the bands from Bollnäs are a BIG family. :grin:

And Sefer Jezirah:
Are there anywhere soundfiles? :hotjump:
I mean, they released just a demo.
Lefay fan said:
Hey guys !
I'm a big fan and I was wondering if any of you have played in other bands or are involved in other bands that have or are gonna be released. Thanks a lot and see you somewhere in Sweden I hope !
Tony used to play in a band called Ice Force. He has also played in Diavox, Damage and Helvetica.

Charles have played in the bands: Manifest and Fasttrack, among others.

Charles & Peter plays in the band Sefer Jezirah, info

Robin plays with Peter & Fredrik in the bands Fantasmagoria
(have released one album)
and a "semi-cover band" O.G.3 [Den Onde, Den Gode, Den 3:dje]
(have released 2records in Swedish).

Robin and Peter plays together in a punk band called M.I.D
(have released 4records in Swedish)

Fredrik previously played in the bands Divine Sin info on:
http://www.bnrmetal.com and Incarnated. He's made guest appearances on albums with: Therion, Leukemia, Hiroshima, Korp, Tad Morose & Lefay
(before joining the band)

Robin also plays in a cover band: Nasty Crew and made a live appearence with Dark Tranquillity as a stand-in for Jivarp. www.darktranquillity.com

Finally some oldies of Robin and Peter: "Insanity", "Desecrator", "Holocaust" and "Autopsy" around -87 to -96, releasing only a few demo's. Fredrik also appeared as vocalist in some of those projects.

This is what we all could remember at least:)
Hope it's satisfying!
Cool, I didn't know that Robin played in OG3... allthough I'm no BGIF fan I love the song Dans På Sävstaås, perfect party song :)
Cerebus said:
Cool, I didn't know that Robin played in OG3... allthough I'm no BGIF fan I love the song Dans På Sävstaås, perfect party song :)
Thanx :)
I'm not on any of the 2 albums though, I started later when their original drummer Janne Aspenfeldt moved out of town, so I have only appearded live with O.G.3 so far...