Other forums on UM


Pillock of society
Apr 16, 2001
Just wondering, what happened to the extreme and progressive metal forums on UltimateMetal.com??

Also, which other forums do you guys frequent?
I go to the dungeon one as well because the boys from dungeon are funny, yes they are :)
But this one has all the best people on it :D Right?
Originally posted by Winmar
Just wondering, what happened to the extreme and progressive metal forums on UltimateMetal.com??

Also, which other forums do you guys frequent?

They were merged all into the 'general music discussion' forum, just to get people talking ;)

And I visit all the forums every now and then :)
I visit here the most - it's our home right?
I also regulary check the Blaze and Nevermore boards, but don't post there too often.
I frequent the Maiden Downunder BB the most, and also peruse the Dungeon forum now and then. I also have a look at the Blaze BB once or twice a week (if that).
Ah so that's what happened to em..... ;)

Having reminded myself that this forum isn't the only one out there, you'll hopefully now see me in the Dungeon, Opeth and Australia/New Zealand ones a bit more, among others.....
I've been known to post on the Dungeon one... HAHA!

Why post anywhere else? Between that one and this one, we already have the world's most excellent people! Everyone else is scum! HAHAHAHA!

(Yeah, I'm kidding, everyone who posts elsewhere! UM Forums rule! :D )
I'm mainly here too, as well as the normal type stuff of checking in on the Dungeon one and floating around the others.

I'm also spending some time in the screamforme.com BB, as well as the Paul Di'anno one (it's now up to three members!)

I also lurk on few game related ones.
I post mostly on here and in the Opeth one (surprise surprise). I duck into the Katatonia and Dungeon one a bit too. I should really see what's happening in the Anathema one too :D