Our Bands???

Hey fucks!
Just wondering what bands you guys are in???
Im in a new band with a friend of mine called "Fractured Choad Virus" Its a goregrind/death metal band thats a comedy thing! ahhahahaha Here is a pic i just did for us!!!

Also When i move to Europe if anyone has herad of a band called WINDS OF EVE............www.windsofeve.cjb.net They are from Brazil AMAZING!!!!!!!! MELODIC DEATH METAL BAND! i shall be taking over the Vocal duties at the end of this year cos im moving to europe and so is the band from Brazil........CHEERS!
I've been in Maggotstorm for some short time but things are going good enough for a possible demo in the near future.
Originally posted by Ardbeg
I'm also in Amon Amarth...


Im currently playing in Army of Mongolia (At least i think it is :D) Our "studio" is not finished yet, so i havent played with em yet.

Before that, i played in a band wich name i dont want to say here (its to ugly) and we played live at " Göteborgs talangen" :cool:
Originally posted by svartengill
and u are also beautiful!!


Phew, it's getting hot in here...Johan, if you're too occupied with these fine ladies and you could spare one then I'm always available mmkay?
own bands...*advertisingon*...Human Squad...a death metal band not as killing fast as devourment but quite brutal (like old cannibal corpse perhaps)...other band is called kilgorin which is a power/thrash metal mix but nearly to split up *advertisingoff* :D
Right now I'm in three bands, all in a somewhat formative stage. The farthest along and probably the coolest is a death metal trio by the name of Ostomatist, the guitarist of which played with Jared Anderson of Hate Eternal and Morbid Angel for many years in the group Internecine. We should be recording something in early june/ late may
Really? I was listening to King of All Kings the other day and that one hadn't been in my CD player for a long time...so your dm band takes off form the same sound?
I play in a band now that is mostly black/death, still debating on a name, and I used to be in a Houston area band, Burning Midget. Right now Wulf Fenris and I are working on a project via the web.
Originally posted by Sumerian
I play in a band now that is mostly black/death, still debating on a name, and I used to be in a Houston area band, Burning Midget. Right now Wulf Fenris and I are working on a project via the web.

How about "Whispering Woods"?