Our haul

Yeah, that's OK, but that's when I started to lose interest. Once upon a time I would search high and low for anything Dream Theater, and now I can barely care less. Sure, I'll buy the products, but won't lose any sleep if I miss out. Same thing with bootlegs - I used to collect a few DT boots back then but not anymore.

Speaking of boots, I should try and find my copy of the Japanese PPV from the Awake tour. Top stuff, that. :headbang:
Nah. I was kinda disappointed when he joined the band - never cared for his work in LTE, and I hated the Rudess Morgenstein Project CD quite passionately.
Yeah but dude...its Rudess!

Your avatar could almost be him...if you added some years and some talent. I realise that after monday night this will seem like a really dumb comment when you have some other person (hopefully not Chanel) in your avatar. It will also look pretty pathetic if im here lamenting about it being Chanel and it actually IS Chanel. What a loser I'll be.

Theres this part on the LaB dvd where JR and JP are sitting before the gig and JP is practicing something...and JR is sitting next to him playing "air keyboard" along with him...they finish the part and JR accuses JP of being out of time at the end...and demonstrates by playing the air keyboard part again hahaha...classic!

Actually the main doco is really really great.

You should enter the OzProg competition for it Spiffo :)
Why bother with the new DVD if you don't give two hoots about it?

There is a few things about that setlist I would change, and I don't mean by putting older stuff on it in place of the newer stuff, but changing some of the songs from the last 2 albums for other songs from the last 2 albums, but overall it is still pretty good. I look forward to the bonus stuff just as much though.

I really like Once In A Livetime, and don't see why some people hate it so. Sure, some things aren't played to perfection, but that is fine. I think the production/sound is awesome. People complain about the vocals, but they aren't that bad, sheesh.
I didn't say I didn't give two hoots, I said I could barely care less, but I still buy the products. They were my favourite band for years, so I owe them some loyalty.

I don't like OIALT because it sounds rotten. I don't care if it's not played to perfection, I'm not one of those types of people - but it just doesn't sound pleasing to my ears, mainly because of the production. And James is pretty average on it too, but that's to be expected cos it's live. He's always been the weakest link in DT IMO. Some people love him - I remember reading on the old Ytse Jam mailing list about people who were moved to tears by his performances. Inconceivable!
I used to think he was the weakest link hands down, but as of late I have come to love his work more and more. Live he is still great, OIALT isn't a real representation of him live, everything else I have heard him sing live is fantastic. And I don't think it is that bad anyway. Great live album. Oh well.
salty said:
Yeah but dude...its Rudess!

Your avatar could almost be him...if you added some years and some talent. I realise that after monday night this will seem like a really dumb comment when you have some other person (hopefully not Chanel) in your avatar. It will also look pretty pathetic if im here lamenting about it being Chanel and it actually IS Chanel. What a loser I'll be.

Theres this part on the LaB dvd where JR and JP are sitting before the gig and JP is practicing something...and JR is sitting next to him playing "air keyboard" along with him...they finish the part and JR accuses JP of being out of time at the end...and demonstrates by playing the air keyboard part again hahaha...classic!

Actually the main doco is really really great.

You should enter the OzProg competition for it Spiffo :)
Does anyone understand what Salty was trying to say? :erk:
Or maybe I'm just too tired and hay-fevered up to read. It was a lot to read afterall..