Yeah but dude...its Rudess!
Your avatar could almost be him...if you added some years and some talent. I realise that after monday night this will seem like a really dumb comment when you have some other person (hopefully not Chanel) in your avatar. It will also look pretty pathetic if im here lamenting about it being Chanel and it actually IS Chanel. What a loser I'll be.
Theres this part on the LaB dvd where JR and JP are sitting before the gig and JP is practicing something...and JR is sitting next to him playing "air keyboard" along with him...they finish the part and JR accuses JP of being out of time at the end...and demonstrates by playing the air keyboard part again hahaha...classic!
Actually the main doco is really really great.
You should enter the OzProg competition for it Spiffo