Our Sincere Condolenses...

Thank you Ron. And thanks to the rest of the people who posted their condolences. I really appreciate the good thoughts.

Not only do I miss my father this weekend, I miss spending the weekend with my friends that I only see once a year. It would be great to be down there.
jaimek said:
Got word at the festival. Very sorry to hear, Rick. :(
Thanks Jaime!

And thanks again Ron! You really went the extra mile this weekend to bring home a piece of PP and I really do appreciate that! All the stuff was cool, but that card was mind-blowing and I know that it took great effort to get all those people to sign it. I thank you from the bottom of my heart, everything you did really meant a lot to me!

You rock dude! :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: