Overhead and tom mic package


Oct 31, 2005
:yell: :hotjump: This is the second time my Joe Meek overheads have went out on me......

I need to get a better brand and better warranty I guess.....and I wanna get sme new tom mics to replace the CAD mics I'm using.

Can yall suggest a good mic package with overheads and tom mics at a decent price and has a good warranty!:wave:
ApolloSpeed said:
say...all mics for 400 or 500.
e604s for toms for sure and maybe a pair of studio projects b1s or the new audio technica 2020s or 2021s(the small diaphram cheapies they just came out with). depending on mic pres and the converters you have im sure you can get good sound from those mics. all of these will be in your price range.
+1 on the Oktavas. You can also order hyper-cardioid and omni-directional capsules for them down the line.

I just ordered some mod kits for mine. Hope I don't screw 'em up...

You probably already have your budget tom mics. 57 on rack and 58 on floor. Get a tension watch or a drum dial and there you go.

In the grand scheme of things, I'd say a having a good pair of overheads is more important, so maybe allocate your budget in favor of the overheads.