Overkill - Ironbound

Yea, I'm sorry but I am having to pick myself up off of the floor and clean up the piss from laughing so hard at the Kreator, Megadeth, and Testament latest albums negative comments. I thought all three absolutely slayed. ESPECIALLY the new Kreator. No balls? Have you been without yours for so long that you forgot what it means to have balls?
I saw what you posted before you deleted it, good thing you deleted it because that argument held absolutely no water.

Yeah dude, opinion holds no water... Just stop. I deleted it because it's a really pointless discussion. I only prefaced my OP with my thoughts on the modern thrash scene because I wanted to show how excited I was that finally one of the legends comes out with a great CD. Nowhere did I even so much as imply that my opinion was a fact. I pretty explicitly stated that it (not that I should have to, but I know how people are and how antsy they get if they don't see something like 'in my opinion' in front of an opinion that they don't agree with)was my opinion, and you basically come in here going "NO UR OPINION IZ RONG." So yeah, keep digging yourself into a hole bro.

And lol, the track I used was off Enemy Of God, not Hordes Of Chaos. Ironic huh?

A7X/Trivium style pussy riffs at 1:08.

Almost interchangable with some of the riffs/melodies in this song:

Can we get back on topic please? It's just a matter of opinion...
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Yeah dude, opinion holds no water... Just stop. I deleted it because it's a really pointless discussion. I only prefaced my OP with my thoughts on the modern thrash scene because I wanted to show how excited I was that finally one of the legends comes out with a great CD. Nowhere did I even so much as imply that my opinion was a fact. I pretty explicitly stated that it (not that I should have to, but I know how people are and how antsy they get if they don't see something like 'in my opinion' in front of an opinion that they don't agree with)was my opinion, and you basically come in here going "NO UR RONG." So yeah, keep digging yourself into a hole bro.

I said nothing about your opinion holding no water, I said your particular argument didn't. I'm an asshole, but I'm not too much of an asshole to tell someone that their opinion is wrong. I will however tell you that your argument is, if it indeed makes no sense. You picked the worst song on Enemy of God to make that comparison with, with no other songs on the album sounding even remotely close. Go tell me that Amok Run or Hordes of Chaos sounds like A7X or Trivium and I'll sell you a bridge in Brooklyn.
I said nothing about your opinion holding no water, I said your particular argument didn't. I'm an asshole, but I'm not too much of an asshole to tell someone that their opinion is wrong. I will however tell you that your argument is, if it indeed makes no sense. You picked the worst song on Enemy of God to make that comparison with, with no other songs on the album sounding even remotely close. Go tell me that Amok Run or Hordes of Chaos sounds like A7X or Trivium and I'll sell you a bridge in Brooklyn.

Both albums are filled with lame moments like that. If these came out from a different band, I wouldn't be so vehemently opposed to them, but I want the band who gave me Pleasure To Kill to give me something like this:

and not pseudo melodeath like:

Probably the only Kreator song that I actually dig from their 'new' era. Production isn't as bad as their newer stuff probably because when this came out albums weren't quite as fake sounding as they are now-ish. I'd rather listen to Toxic Holocaust!
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I see the point that you are trying to make, but it is still flawed. Let me try to explain this from my point of view and maybe we can come to some sort of a common ground. Kreator sounds like Kreator. I would NEVER get them confused, in name OR genre, with any other band with the exception of maybe Avenger Of Blood who is basically a Kreator clone out of Vegas. That Kreator song sounds just like the same era of Kreator that we have all known for about 15 years now (give or take a few of the more experimental albums that they did in the mid to late 90s). You are trying to compare a somewhat mediocre Kreator song to probably the best song that Destruction has written in at least a decade. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE both bands, but I would take Kreator in any era over Destruction in any era. I think Kreator has been more than consistent in their albums since at least Violent Revolution in this new era and haven't disappointed me at all. I haven't gotten nearly as excited with anything that Destruction has put out in that same timeframe, even with a few of the quality releases that they have had. Kreator is not, nor have they ever been, and "melodeath" band. I could perhaps call Trivium that, but no way in hell would I call A7X "melodeth". Honestly though, you act like "melodeth" is a bad thing. Look at Dark Tranquility. I would call them the very definition of "melodeth" and they haven't really done any wrong at all in my eyes. I'm not saying you are wrong, I'm just saying that I think you are going about arguing your point all wrong. Take from that what you will.
I have to be the one to ask this, and just out of plain curiosity.

How can you possibly not like albums such as Kreator's Enemy of God or Hordes of Chaos or Testament's The Formation of Damnation?

I was wondering the same thing. I might have to get some other reviews on the new Overkill before picking it up.
I was wondering the same thing. I might have to get some other reviews on the new Overkill before picking it up.

If my opinion means anything, The new overkill is the best thing they have put out in years. It is going to have a hard time NOT being my album of the year next year, if it keeps kicking my ass like it has been. First day purchase, no question.
Wow - glad to hear the OK rips! I will also be a first day buyer. Long time fan, and probably the band I've seen most live. I remember buying Taking Over on tape wayyyyy back in HS.
for good new thrash check out Believer's new Gabriel. and Sacrifice's new The one's I condemn..modern day excellent thrash \m/
also i saw testament on there tour after they made new album..it's a good album, i think you got your undies all in a bunch on that one. also check out Artillery's new album. new overkill will be rad tho!
Has Overkill really done anything truly interesting since Necroshine? I gave the new disc a spin yesterday, and while the 1st song has some big shiny moments, overall the disc is just average, about the same as the last 5 or 6 discs. I do agree that they deserved a bit more than they got in the 80's, but they did hang around on Atlantic Records for an extended period of time.
I wouldn't really say 'interesting,' which is an adjective I'd rather apply to a good progressive or avant metal band. For a band like Overkill, the appeal to me is an ironclad (ha) adherence to tradition. Thrash, the whole thrash, and nothing but the thrash. What makes them great for me is utter dependability. Or to take a slightly more philosophical tack, a Brian Eno quote: "Repetition is a form of change." In today's music world of genre-bending bands doing this and that and everything else, a band like Overkill who resolutely sticks to their guns becomes a breath of fresh air in its own way.
Look at Dark Tranquility. I would call them the very definition of "melodeth" and they haven't really done any wrong at all in my eyes. I'm not saying you are wrong, I'm just saying that I think you are going about arguing your point all wrong. Take from that what you will.
With the possible exception of releasing the same CD over and over again (Haven - Damage Done - Character - Fiction). They are good at what they do, and were once the best asset to the genre. But they've really grown tired and unadventurous.

To my ears there is a noticeable shift in style between the [Haven-Damage Done] pair and the [Character-Fiction] pair, but I get your point in the sense that the difference here is smaller than the difference between Mind's I and Projector.
I actually wish DT would leverage more clean vocals. I found Stanne's clean vocals on Projector engaging and unique. It's actually quite fascinating that they've refused to do so, given how many more fans they'd likely attract if they did so.
