Own band scratch mix! [Neve,Avalon,UAD,EL8 used]

Very little multi velocity and automation, I just did that one quick for shits and giggles. Paramore Snare, Circa Survive kick, rest is SD 2.0 Avatar. Heres another take with more emphasis on velocities/automation etc. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/19917325/untitled2.mp3

It got better this time ^_^
IMHO it could have more massiveness working the bass tone and leveling a bit more carefully the drum pieces n__n

Heres my new update. This time it got even better, we recorded the other guitar! and changed minor stuff, take a listen! :headbang:
Thank you for the files. Would you mind sharing any info on the song name or band? Thanks!

Adrian, thank you for taking the time and downloading too!

Here's another song of our new Ep (still tracking)
Which is actually..raw. Just Eq and comp for control.
Listen at high volume, i just put a L1 on the master mix chan.


I will post this one for mixing practice too in some days;
imho it's an all-around song to mix!

We're called Psinocencia, from Caracas Venezuela.
And released our first record some months ago.
I mixed it with the cool stuff i learned here, even though
i now feel it's not that pro it has a nice vibe to it.


This is the single we released first, a radio friendly one lol.

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I also produced, mixed and recorded the acoustic sessions.
(with very humble equipment)
Theres 3 or 4 of these songs on youtube, which are acoustic versions of the rocking ones.

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Luk, i've just listened to your version!

It is dense o_o! And it's got a lot of punch indeed.
Kick and snr are good too!!! :D
But i feel it a bit 'blocked', and that everything needs
a bit more space to breathe? About balance
I also feel it much on the bassy side!

Well, guitars panorama is 90/90. But my main problem with mixing is bas :( I have problems with gluing it with guitars to sound like "one instrument". Maybe I should drive it?

Anyway, very nice song :)