Own Pictures Thread

i agree with profanity on that one :lol:
i'd do her for like a few bucks though :p
anyway, there are a lot of hot intelligent women in the world, but they either wouldnt do me or they live outside a radius of 400km, so i'm screwed either way :lol:

and you can tell my IQ by looking at the airdrumming gif or the jackal picture :loco:
this is thumbtack:

Taliesin said:
Hey Spikuh, what's up? How are things? How come you arent around as much as you used to be anymore?

Life. :erk:

I'm split between 4 forums on UM, SOT2, Playing frickin' GT4 so I can get onto the other dozen or more games I've bought but not found the time to play.... and then there's this very scary thing called a SOCIAL LIFE.

Yeah I know... go figure. Me, a social life? :confused:

Oh, and I will be consumating my relationship and <3 of all things Mikey when he visits on Monday. ^_^

Just kidding, but Mikey Smith (Bumblefoot/Mumblefood( is travelling around AUS with his missus and will be spending the last week in Cairns (where I live), so I'll be showing him around a bit. (what are friends for? ;) )

Besides that, I guess you could say I had some 'difficulties' with a few of the main folk I talked with here on CoB, so the place wasn't holding my interest any more, but I will make an effort to get back here when I can, preferrably on a more regular basis. :)
Social Life? Pffft dont give me THAT! ;)
This life thingy is totally overrated if you ask me.. HL2 has way better gfx.. and the story is better as well, you get to be with a hot chick and all :p

Ive found a new home over at the DT board, I only come here every once in a while to see how things are.. it's great if you need to feel better about something, too ;)

Seriously, this social life thingy can be quite entertaining, Ive spent quite some time with it myself lately and I think I like it :)
Like, tomorrow, 4 of my friends will be in town and we'll go out together, Im sure it'll be great fun :D