Own Pictures Thread

I don't really like posting my pictures anywhere, but I don't think that I'll have the chance to meet someone of you, so.. :)
Me -> on the left

@nikkie: cool shirt and good look (REAL metal girls rule)
@mima: cute
@mario (lol): amazing pics :lol: I have some drunken-corny pics, but I would never post them, because I look as retarded as you
Another picture from Heaven and Hell. I asked a photographer to take a pic of my friends and I hehe I knew him cuz he has an account on deviantart and he upload the pic today :D

Too bad Joe and his girlfriend were not in the pic, they were more at the left =(

Another picture from Heaven and Hell. I asked a photographer to take a pic of my friends and I hehe I knew him cuz he has an account on deviantart and he upload the pic today :D

Too bad Joe and his girlfriend were not in the pic, they were more at the left =(


They ain´t hot, except you :p

And here I post some new pics, they have nothing special :err:


Me and one of my best friends :headbang: :headbang:


And my profile


And looking at the restaurant's menu :lol: