Own Pictures Thread


An emo pic of me (making a funny face on purpose :p) and Sumaya before we left for Montreal to see the Black Sabbath concert on monday.​


Me, Sumaya, Marcio and a friend of Sumaya's in Montreal at a sushi restaurant for lunch before the concert :p it was really good ;)

@ marcio :oops:

@ Joe: aww you guys have the same hair lol. No really, it looks good on you. There's nothing wrong with a dude who straightens his hair. And for the record, its called a "Hot Iron" or a "Hair Straightener" :lol:

...and, your g/f is hawt :p


i would rather go with this comparison


This ones kind of old...

From a shoot we just did for the new record. :thu:

Your beard is fucking awesome, it reminds me of ZZ Top!

Stupid Fiona...

Nice stomach, but lose the make up :)

Oh i thought you were a girl.
