Own Pictures Thread


An emo pic of me (making a funny face on purpose :p) and Sumaya before we left for Montreal to see the Black Sabbath concert on monday.​


Me, Sumaya, Marcio and a friend of Sumaya's in Montreal at a sushi restaurant for lunch before the concert :p it was really good ;)

Marcio has the cutest smile ever!!! :p:lol:

and you kinda remind me of Tom S Englund in that picture (and that's a good thing) :)

and Sumaya has gorgeous hair :worship:
Aw :D Thank you! Nightrage FTW! And yes, I agree with you that my girlfriend does have lovely hair, thank you :p I actually thought you'd edit my picture somehow like I edited yours but it's ok :p
Has anybody noticed the girl on the right:lol:
What about her?
i was too focused on Marcio's hand twisted in Joe's hair...

:lol: It happens.

An emo pic of me (making a funny face on purpose :p) and Sumaya before we left for Montreal to see the Black Sabbath concert on monday.​


Me, Sumaya, Marcio and a friend of Sumaya's in Montreal at a sushi restaurant for lunch before the concert :p it was really good ;)

pic #1: iron board FTL!

pic #2: dude, you're an exact clone of Jonathan Davis :zombie: