Own Pictures Thread

You're a pretty ladayyy, not terrible like you said earlier. Very pretteh!
<wow> Oh, thanks :* But I don't think I am pretty.

You ALL have very nice photos, and you all look beautiful :rofl:
I like pictures of Snowy (this one with bottle is great!), The Nerevarine, Ingrid, Deadly, Cris, Nikkie... Just you all!
The Nerevarine: I love your hair. My hair looks so terrible, I still torture it by using so much hair gel and and other chemistry... Hehehe, don't do it dudes ^^

This one was made a few weeks ago. Now I am trying to lose a few kilos, because I am too fat :rofl:
@Marlena: You look nice ;)

Yesterday i found those cute stickers and i became crazy about them and started sticking them on almost everything :erk:
This is my alarm clock:

Cell phone:
