Own Pictures Thread

Right I spose I should update, I havnt done in ages.


Please do excuse the emoish fringe, its just middle partings never work/look good on me :erk: the Blind Guardian shirt makes up for it anyway :rofl:

Sory for quoting myself but....why the fack does my guitar look black!? the lighting was fine and its usually purpley blue (I would called it by its official name of "Trans Lavender" but that just sounds ghey :rofl:)
Hey, have you ever seen the shit deron advertises on this forum? This link just randomly popped up on the side of the UM homepage, http://www.jhershierra.com/index.html?gclid=CK2hpejdwIsCFSYSQgodvnZa2g it's about attaining immortality, wtf ?

About Jhershierra and Current News said:
She has been visited by Jesus, Immortals,Ascended Masters, Extraterrestrials, and other Spiritual Beings since childhood. Jhershierra is a planetary channel for the Sacred Fire. Using the fire she has performed occasional healings, exorcisms, energy realignments and Sacred Fire Activations.