Own Pictures Thread


lol nice tat and Gordons dry gin for the ultimate fucken win!:headbang:
oh yeah. hence why i want to go to europe. well one reason...

must...escape...the... US... :erk:
kann man nach Deutschland gehen? Oder ist es nur Türke? :erk:

nevermind. im too tired to even TRY to think "correctly" auf deutsch
Ok? Like I care? Somehow I'm not so shocked that the person who told me like 50 times they're in love with Gonzo rushes to defend him from a harmless post... fucking get a life, god :rolleyes:

I was only kidding, cuz his face looks like he's having an orgasm, god!Lighten up people... and Soy... keep misbehaving and there'll be no hamburgers for you tonight!