Own Pictures Thread

Eh, why the fuck not?




┼Victim of the Night┼;6273977 said:
Some pics of me...
Not that I have a great reason to post them but well, they're just a bit "different" from the others I posted, I tried to make them a bit "artistic"... I hope I made it, dunno.

Sorry for the invasion... :)

Aye, thanks for coming back like you said :D
i cannot take seriously a guy that corpse paints himself with powder and coal :erk:
I bought costume makeup on my work break to wear warpaint to a show :erk:
Symp X is like DreamTheatre, great musicians, but one or 2 music worthy

Eh, I like Symphony X, but I've never bothered to get into them. But they are fun to listen to, where as Dream Threatre I hate.

I saw Gigantour 1, but Symphony X wasnt there for the Toronto show, and Dreamtheatre was pure boring, and their fans are often huge douches. At school alot of the kids were like "if ur gonna listen to rock musik listen to dreamthreatre they have tallent lulzjazz!"

Symphony X uses Odd Times and key changes, but it feels more natural and it fits beter, unlike DT where they seem to just toss it in because Key and TIme changes mean instant skill.
┼Victim of the Night┼;6273977 said:
Some pics of me...
Not that I have a great reason to post them but well, they're just a bit "different" from the others I posted, I tried to make them a bit "artistic"... I hope I made it, dunno.

And last, the weirdest one... a pic in the bathroom!! God, ain't artistic at all, more of a "MySpace" style pic: let's just call it a full version of me, haha.

Sorry for the invasion... :)

there wouldnt be a Symphony X if Dream Theater wasnt around

Actually, no...
Prog Rock was Very popular in the 70s with bands like Yes and Rush (Rush being the best trio ever in the universe of everything).

Prog Rock is somthing that is very self inspired, although there are a some influencial bands. I'm quite certian they would have done fine if DT never came around....just like the rest of the music world :rolleyes:

^ it requires not shaving your chin

doesn't seem to work for me :S.