Own Pictures Thread

If that wasn't a weight remark then I don't know what it was, my bad for taking it the wrong way if not.
It was meant to poke fun at your PMS-esque complaining. Reminds me of when I flip the fuck out when some chick screams at her mom on the phone over some bf problems... or... when some dude hits on me and I gotta give a swift upper cut to his jaw when he touches my hair. I do wash it for a reason... damn. FTR, not that it matters, but chocolate ice cream isn't my fave for emotional therapy. :lol: Coffee and chocolate in general. :p

That's not meant to be funny, but whatever.
If you were actually hurt/offended by it I do apologize though... It is just stupid internet stuff, I want us to be able to fight back and forth with mean shit but I don't ACTUALLY want to hurt your (or anyone's) feelings so if I did I'm sorry. Thick skin is needed here :loco:
I wasn't hurt or offended by it, I'm used to throwing internet punches back and forth with you... but that blow I didn't find so amusing like the usual Lady_Rapedacavemen/Trap hits. If I had a facepalm pic I would have used it. :cry: Disappointing... I expect better next time.
a couple of new ones:

