Own Pictures Thread

and in other news Z0MGITSMEINASUIT!!!!!11!!!

I just quoted your past comment, coming to my defense when Alexis made a stupid remark about my skin. I didn't poke fun or say anything about your weight (wtf?) or something close to it.

*passes the chocolate ice cream to Joe*

If that wasn't a weight remark then I don't know what it was, my bad for taking it the wrong way if not. But still, :lol: I feel bad for the edit, even if it was really funny. It was probably the meanest thing I've done on this forum (?).... I dare anyone to find something worse, I really want to see/hear it if it exists cuz I really can't recall.

Beyond that, I apologize for my disorderly conduct or whatever you wanna call it. MSN is more productive anyway, but if situations come up where some stupid "Vikk love" post would be funny to some, in the way it used to be I suppose, it'll happen. I'm pretty sure you even found it funny at times, it didn't always piss you off.
I didn't find it funny really, not ever. But I tolerated it (like I do a lot of the gay shit around here) until it was plastered in every thread, then I got annoyed and made my stand but whatever, no need to talk about it now if it's gonna stop, right? Case closed.

The Power Rangers were the shit in the original series. Your edit was pretty lame though... a low blow, even for you.

Much love,


Power Rangers were the shit, yes. And as for the edit, it wasn't lame, it was funny (although I'm sure you didn't think so). Was it low? Yes, very. But I am a no-holds-barred kinda guy. I might have went overkill with this but what can I say? That's just me. If you were actually hurt/offended by it I do apologize though... It is just stupid internet stuff, I want us to be able to fight back and forth with mean shit but I don't ACTUALLY want to hurt your (or anyone's) feelings so if I did I'm sorry. Thick skin is needed here :loco:
Pretty as always :oops:

nice double account, joe.

If that wasn't a weight remark then I don't know what it was, my bad for taking it the wrong way if not. But still, :lol: I feel bad for the edit, even if it was really funny. It was probably the meanest thing I've done on this forum (?).... I dare anyone to find something worse, I really want to see/hear it if it exists cuz I really can't recall.

I didn't find it funny really, not ever. But I tolerated it (like I do a lot of the gay shit around here) until it was plastered in every thread, then I got annoyed and made my stand but whatever, no need to talk about it now if it's gonna stop, right? Case closed.

Power Rangers were the shit, yes. And as for the edit, it wasn't lame, it was funny (although I'm sure you didn't think so). Was it low? Yes, very. But I am a no-holds-barred kinda guy. I might have went overkill with this but what can I say? That's just me. If you were actually hurt/offended by it I do apologize though... It is just stupid internet stuff, I want us to be able to fight back and forth with mean shit but I don't ACTUALLY want to hurt your (or anyone's) feelings so if I did I'm sorry. Thick skin is needed here :loco:

heartless was a sensitive guy.
He went to art school when he was younger
He wanted to be a painter
He was a vegetarian
He was also a non-smoker
nice double account, joe.

heartless was a sensitive guy.

He went to art school when he was younger
He wanted to be a painter
He was a vegetarian
He was also a non-smoker

Then he got rejected at art-school in Austria and took over the biggest part of Europe

I LOL'D (nice sig Gonzo)

Söy;6380524 said:
he also had a thing for his 14 yr old cousin pissing on his face.

Who put the soy bio card in here? :lol: