Own Pictures Thread

everyone@ lol, this is the internet ffs, don't like it fuck off, this is not a democracy <3
I don't care if you need internet love to feel happy, just PLEASE keep it the fuck out of the forum. Stay here and be funny but lose the gay fanclub.

like its my fault, i never talked about me, actually Joe and gonzo are the ones that most talk about me, and keep posting my pic often.


Normally that pic (if its the pic i think you mean) would actually reduce (to null for sane people, but this is cobot, so) your "sexyness". But whatever, this wasnt all aimed at you anyway, probably at least as much to LR since she's the one posting random "<3 vikk"'s everywhere

Vikk please read this.

Tbh the whole "AUUUUUG:oops:VIKK:oops: FUCK!:oops: FUCKVIKK!FUCK:oops: VIKK:oops: VIKK:oops: VIKK:oops: VIKK FUCK" thing is getting repetitive and kinda sad.

Yes it is, and you flamed Blackcore for much much less. :lol:

so ask joe to stop posting the pics
You STILL don't get it :rolleyes:

Its not the pic, its the reaction of some (mostly female) people here

Once again, Vikk PLEASE READ.

actually thats true. i never wondered about how vikk looks like till the vikk is a thief of beauty smth or other thread :lol: and @heartless you took my words out of context. apparently it was LR and a few other girls made vikk get a myspace account. so in effect, they added him. not the other way around. secondly, and i'm not saying this to be hostile nor am i saying it in an accusatory tone. but everysingle body posts stuff in cobot that others don't want to see, at some point or other. for example heartless atleast a few people don't like your flaming. and sure yeah, u don't mean it, but same as the LR/vikk thing is, it's just joking. or letting off steam. the good thing about the internet/threads is that u can just ignore them. just not read.

Like I said, I can handle a lot of retarded shit here. I don't care, do whatever really I don't think there are much rules as far as quality of posts, but dumb shit like this being spammed all over the board is something people will tolerate for a while until it gets to a breaking point and now as you see everyone is standin up. All we ask is Lady R, Vikk and whoever else needs to spew elove (too frequently and not in a joking context) go to a private venue to engage in this activities. They don't even have to stop, just stop here.

What's next, cyber sex threads? :erk: :erk: This isn't lavalife or yahoo chat.

The difference is that the majority is annoyed by the useless <3 vikk bullshit, and the majority doesnt really care about heartless' flaming. Besides, thats heartless. You cant change him, its just the way he is :lol:

:lol: You're on a roll.

*passes the chocolate ice cream to Joe*
*passes the acne medication to Lady R*
just looking through my photobucket and found this gem of mine :lol:

whoooooa... 2005 time warp! :lol:
Don't hate anything about your body, if people can't see past some dots on your skin then fuck them. Everyone has pimples, I even have bad skin too, sometimes my face gets really fucking blotchey. It's part of life. Don't take it to heart if someone comments on it, it just means they're immature.
*passes the acne medication to Lady R*
In that case, fuck you, I'm not taking it to heart, and you're just immature, right?
I don't see that there's anything wrong with your skin...
I only see that you have a really beautilful face. :)
lols, eu me sinto como um ator da novela da globo, sendo perseguido pelo Nelson Rubens

meu, desculpa falar, mas t&#225; parecendo malha&#231;&#227;o :erk:

"A&#237;i cabe&#231;&#227;o o cara t&#225; pegando todo mundo velho"
a culpa n&#227;o &#233; minha caraile :erk: o bigodinho s&#243; quer aten&#231;&#227;o, normalmente eu odeio que falem de mim, bom out mal, mas eu quero que essa merda continua, soh pra irritar ele