Own Pictures Thread

:erk: :erk: Stfu, seriously. I'm sick of this retarded elove ruining this forum, you're shitting in an ocean of piss.... the joke is now done.


Here is your Vikk, now either go buy a plane ticket and fuck him or SHUT THE FUCK UP!
You need to get over yourself... and buy yourself an imagination.
...and they never even seen a picture.
Dear god, feel free to lick my "UMers" pics folder's ass.
...till then they will shut the fuck up about it.
Really now? Last time I checked... ja you're still an obnoxious little prick. Don't give me orders, soldier.
umm... i'm not getting involved as it's non of my business. but yeah she's seen a pic of him; he's added most of the UM girls on myspace and he's posted lotsa pics there... actually i think she's the one who got him to put up a myspace profile.... but i'm not sure. anyhoo... *steps out*
+1 for you. You can be decapitated for posting a statement like that. He asked if he should, I said sure. He waited til I wrote his "about me" then busted out a nice, private page.

Joe: Take your idea of "fun" elsewhere, and take your lack of creativity with you. Learn how to adapt to things rather than try to erase them.

"get back to the kitchen, bitch"
"of course! i'll get the chocolate syrup and whipped cream"

see, it's easy.
look trap, i'm all about freedom of speech and stuff, but the vikk obsession has gone too far. it's polluting the whole forum with pure faggotry.

bottomline: it's the cancer that is killing COB-OT
umm... i'm not getting involved as it's non of my business. but yeah she's seen a pic of him; he's added most of the UM girls on myspace and he's posted lotsa pics there... actually i think she's the one who got him to put up a myspace profile.... but i'm not sure. anyhoo... *steps out*

See, what kind of faggot does that? Let me be clear once and for all. I have nothing against ugly/fat lonely people trying to hook up with girls on the internet because they are too pathetic to attract any females in real life. I don't care if a mid 20 year old guy like Vikk tries to mack all the girls on the forum either, all the power to him/them. It's their life, enjoy it. But all I ask, for my sake and everyone else's, is they keep the retarded shit OUT OF THE THREADS/FORUM. (People might think I'm being mean or say that it doessn't bother them, but you know I'm right)

Seriously, I can't look into one thread without seeing Lady Ruusticuntlicker being a retard talking about sex and shit with INTERNET PEOPLE SHE'LL NEVER MEET. She's worse than fucking BlackCore, at least he contains his faggotry obessesion to ONE PERSON, Lady R hits on everyone, most especially Vikk. Get a life! (I mean I don't mean to single Vikk out or look unfair, but he seems to be the root of all these girl's annoying comments, eventhough the main perpetrator is Lady R).

And as I said, a joke and flirting here and there is perfectly fine, it helps the forum environment and is good for friendships here and all that stuff... but saying the SAME STUFF in EVERY THREAD trying to make it seem like you actually will do these things.... it's RIDICULOUS. I'm fucking fed up. I know I act like a dick here sometimes, and do a lot of things so I'm not one to talk about ruining threads, but people who really know me know I'm nice and only joking around/bored when on here. When I spew my opinions like they're fact I'm only kidding, but in this case I am 100% serious and I don't care if I'm perceived as a dickhead. I'm sick of this gay "Vikk is so hawt" shit. Either buy a plane ticket to Swaziland or wherever the fuck he lives, or stfu while you're here.

Cyber him on MSN/Myspace but leave this place untainted newfags.

So please, be kind and listen to this warning because I am NOT NOT NOT the only one who feels this way.

You need to get over yourself... and buy yourself an imagination.

You need to get over yourself! NEWSFLASH YOU LOOK LIKE YOU COULD BE IN A CULTURECLUB COVER BAND! Buy yourself a plane ticket to Brazil and SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU DUMBASS.

Dear god, feel free to lick my "UMers" pics folder's ass.

Feel free to lick my REAL ass, the issue was not if you had seen him or not, the issue was your pure unadulterated faggotry (ie: being obsessed on the forum in ever thread about his looks, sex with him, etc... beyond a point of humour). You need to go out and find a real man near you, or women, whatever you prefer. Either way your unhealthy obsession with him/other Umers needs to stop. You're a n00b, and eventhough this place was shit even when I joined, you're bringing it to a new low. I'm by no means saying you're ruining this place entirely, but honestly I didn't think this place could get any worse than it was already, but wow, you really surprised me newfag.

All flaming aside, please cease your current infatuation on the forum and take it to private programs such as MSN. Is that too much to ask? Do so and we'll all be happy. I don't mean to be a prick and maybe I went all out on this but it's like the WORST thing on this forum today :lol: I'd take 10000 emptifier and nightreaper threads over this gay shit.

Really now? Last time I checked... ja you're still an obnoxious little prick. Don't give me orders, soldier.


I know im kinda n00b here and nothing against vikk or LR, but i agree that this is getting annoying as fuck

You're not a n00b, not in my book anyways. Join date looks good to me and since you started frequenting here you've posted with common sense (not really a requirement around here but it's a good thing) so I like you. I have not ever seen anything that really puts you as a 'n00b' so I accept your opinion as valid. :lol:
You're not a n00b, not in my book anyways. Join date looks good to me and since you started frequenting here you've posted with common sense (not really a requirement around here but it's a good thing) so I like you. I have not ever seen anything that really puts you as a 'n00b' so I accept your opinion as valid. :lol:

Hahaha you have to say that, because you joined later :lol:
like its my fault, i never talked about me, actually Joe and gonzo are the ones that most talk about me, and keep posting my pic often.
Normally that pic (if its the pic i think you mean) would actually reduce (to null for sane people, but this is cobot, so) your "sexyness". But whatever, this wasnt all aimed at you anyway, probably at least as much to LR since she's the one posting random "<3 vikk"'s everywhere
Tbh the whole "AUUUUUG:oops:VIKK:oops: FUCK!:oops: FUCKVIKK!FUCK:oops: VIKK:oops: VIKK:oops: VIKK:oops: VIKK:oops: FUCK" thing is getting repetitive and kinda sad.
ou vitão

só uma pergunténha

qual a porra do sentido em falar que aquele barato daquela foto é você? :p

o bigodinho eh igual ao argentino, o dono da razao, se axa o moderador, eu não pretendo nada, ele que começou, e está puto com ele msm :erk:

so quero enxer o saco msm
auehaueuaheuahe relaxa, t&#244; nem a&#237; pra tr&#237;via deste f&#243;rum

se as minas ficam aiii vikk quero que voc&#234; me vire do avesso, foda-se, score aheuaheuahuaiehoiaue :p